Chapter 68

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!!!!!!!!!!Author's Note!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone!  Happy Friday (pretty damn close)!  I hope everyone's week went well.  Mine was quiet and we don't plan on doing anything this weekend, so that will be nice.

This week Dan and his friends try to make their way back to their cells without getting caught, Gabe and Brad torture Mateo until the can't bring him back anymore and then move onto torturing Earnesto, Joe chills in his cell waiting for yard time, Dan and Joe meet up during yard time and swap stories, and Earnesto continues getting tortured.Please pay attention to the trigger warnings. Gabe and Brad's torture or their prisoners deals with some graphic situations, but it's not as bad as when Luke was torturing his human. If this stuff triggers you, please skip those parts.

As always, enjoy, tell your friends and if you like it feel free to vote on my story or a leave me a comment. I'm so grateful for all of you who read this! If you'd like to talk about the story or just talk in general, you can find me on tumblr @dancecoaster.Happy reading! 

Chapter 68

*******Trigger Warning for Graphic Violence, Torture, and Rape*******

Dan and his friends are getting ready to hopefully get back to their cell block without being seen.

"That's the plan. I know it's not much but it's what we got. Everyone understand?" Dan asks.

They all nod their heads yes. Dan gets out the map that Alex gave him as they all line up at the door. They know that they are ok while they are in the old part of the prison.

"Ok. Let's go. Follow me and stay as close as you can." Dan instructs.

They step out into the old part of the prison and follow the map back the way they came. It takes them probably thirty minutes to get through the old part of the prison. That's the easy part. As they get closer to entering the new part of the prison, they begin to enact their plan. They are going to try and get as close as they can and if they run into a guard, they are going to break off into groups of two. One of each group will pretend to be injured in a pretty dire way and the other will be attempting to help them get to sick bay. When they enter the newer part of the prison, it appears that the coast is clear for now. They make their way back slowly, sticking to the far side of the hallways where there are places to duck into if necessary. Dan hears someone coming and instructs everyone to hide out of view. They all duck into areas where they can't be seen. Two guards walk past them, joking with each other. That was close! I need to pay closer attention to what I hear. When they are sure that the guards are past them, they come out of their hiding places and continue toward their cell block. They are about halfway there and so far, so good. They keep going and are almost there when Dan hears someone else coming and alerts his friends to hide. They watch a guard dragging an unconscious inmate in the direction of cell block G. The guard is also kicking the inmate in the stomach as he goes. They wait for a few minutes to make sure that the guard is gone before coming out of their hiding spots and continuing toward their cell block. They are in the home stretch now and have very little left of their journey. This is the hardest part because there aren't many hiding spots in this area like there have been so far. If they get caught now, they will need to enact their plan and pray that it works. They are so close to being home free when they hear someone coming. FUCK! They each take their positions, either faking their injuries or helping the injured. It ends up being a guard, so they all start acting their asses off, crying out, and trying to make it look as real as possible.

"What seems to be the problem here? Where are your guards?" He asks.

"Oh my God! It was awful and shocking! We were helping out with a job near the older side of the prison when there was an accident. A wall and the ceiling collapsed on us! We were stuck under the debris and couldn't move! Our guard was hit in the head by a piece of the ceiling and a huge chunk of the wall and was killed! Please let us pass! We need to get our injured people to sick bay for treatment! They are in horrible pain, and some have very serious injuries that require immediate attention! They have very little time left!" Dan explains.

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