Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

*******No Trigger Warning for this Chapter. Yay!*******

Once Brad drops Trohman off in his cell, he heads to the guards' main office to use the computer to see if he can find out how many vampires are currently in the prison. He arrives and walks into the office to find that there are quite a few guards hanging out there. He needs privacy to do his research, so he begins compelling them all to leave. He finally has the room cleared so he sits down at the computer and begins his work. He starts by doing a general search of all the inmates in the prison database. This brings up pages and pages of prisoners. Next, he tries to narrow it down a bit by taking the list of prisoners and categorizing them by offense. He decides to search for prisoners there for violent crimes, figuring that those inmates are more likely to be vampires due to their tendency to enjoy inflicting violence on others. From those, he looks for any incidents involving other inmates who appear to have not remembered much about the incidents. That search comes up with a total of twenty prisoners. He prints that list. Next, he looks up all the gang leaders in the prison and compares those to his list, cross checking with them with incident reports. This brings up another ten others. He prints that list too. His next search involves looking for prisoners that make regular trips to sick bay, thinking that they would be doing so to get access to blood. This brings up another ten inmates. He prints this list as well. Then he logs out on the computer and decides that he doesn't really have time to observe or interview this many inmates, so he decides to go to the Warden's office to compare these lists to the list of known vampires in his office. Gabe wants this information quickly, so this is the fastest way to get this done. He's not sure how he is going to find it though, since Gabe said the Warden doesn't know about it. He will have to make him leave or compel him to help him go through all the inmates' files until he finds it.

Brad leaves the guards' main office and heads toward the Warden's office. The walk is further than he expected, but Stump will be in surgery for at least five to six hours, so he has time. He runs into a few other guards along the way, and he must compel them to forget that they ever saw him. He finally reaches the Warden's office and is currently standing outside the door. He forgot that the Warden has a secretary named Wendy. He is going to have to compel her too. He takes a deep breath and then opens the door and walks into the office. He is met with Wendy.

"Hello! Can I help you with something?" Wendy asks.

"Yes, you can actually. Would you mind looking into my eyes?" Brad asks.

He sees Wendy make eye contact with him and her eyes gloss over.

"Hello Wendy. I am here to meet with the Warden in his office. You will not disturb us the whole time I am in his office, and you will forget that I was ever here once I leave. Do you understand?" Brad commands.

Wendy repeats everything Brad just said followed by "Yes, I understand."

"Good. I am going into the Warden's office now. You will not see me enter his office and you will not disturb us. You may resume whatever you are doing now. Do you understand?" Brad asks.

Wendy repeats everything Brad just said followed "Yes. I understand."

Brad walks past Wendy's desk and opens the door into the Warden's office.

"Hey! You can't be in here without authorization!" Andy yells.

"Hello Warden. Would you mind looking into my eyes for a moment?" Brad asks.

He makes direct eye contact with the Warden.

"I am an old friend of yours. My name is Brad. I am going to call you Andy while I'm here. I am looking for an old file that you may not even know about, and I need your help to find it. You will help me find the file I'm looking for. You will not leave your office until we find it. You will also not take any outside calls or have any appointments until we find them. Do you understand?" Brad asks.

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