Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Violence, Gore, and Mentions of Rape.*******

Patrick wakes up two hours later in his bed in his cell. His ass and back are throbbing from his ordeal with Gabe. His head and eye were also pounding from where Gabe punched him. He might have a broken cheek bone and a mild concussion. Joe is by his side immediately.

"Hey. How do you feel?" Joe asks.


Before he can answer, he feels pretty sick from the blow to his head and the drugs. He shoves Joe out of the way and barely makes it to the toilet before he pukes.

"That bad, huh?" Joe jokes. Patrick looks up at him and immediately breaks down in tears.

"It happened again, Joe. He-, He-, He-." Patrick says. "I know, Patrick. You don't have to say it out loud." Joe cuts in.

"I feel so dirty and powerless. I tried to fight back, but he was just too strong. I did headbutt him when he tried to kiss me so, maybe I deserved it this time." Patrick responds.

That just crushed Joe, making him even madder at Gabe for making Patrick think that this is somehow his fault. Joe looked Patrick dead in the eye.

"Patrick, I need you to listen to what I'm about to say. None of this is your fault! Gabe is a sadistic predator, so is Brad for that matter. He is praying on you because he wants something from you. You are very strong and you will get through this. You didn't ask for this and you definitely don't deserve any of this treatment from him. Do you understand me?"

Patrick blinks some more tears down his cheeks but he shakes his nods his head yes.

"Good. Now let's see if Brad will let you take a shower, to wash off the filth and then we will take you to sickbay to get some of those iron infusions, since you have been fed on twice today and you will most likely be fed on again when they take you tonight." Says Joe.

"I'm scared, Joe. He said he had something special planned for tonight, so that means either another piercing, which really fucking hurt by the way, or something worse than that." Patrick says.

"Let's worry about one thing at a time for right now, ok?" Joe answers.

"Ok." Patrick says.

Joe calls Brad over.

"What do you want?" Brad asks.

"Patrick would like to take a shower after his ordeal with Gabe. Is that possible?" Joe asks. Brad thinks about it for a minute, then agrees and opens the cell door.

"Get his shower stuff." Brad says.

Joe gets it and gives it to Patrick. Then, he grabs Patrick's arm and leads him toward the showers. Joe attempts to follow but Brad stops him before Joe steps out of the cell.

"Where the fuck do you think you are going?" He asks.

"I thought I was going with him." Joe answers.

"No, you are not." Brad replies. "I will take him, he will do what he needs to do, and then I will bring him back. You will stay here, got it?"

Joe nods and goes to sit back on his bed.

When Brad brings Patrick back, his skin is all red, and looks like it has been rubbed raw.

"Patrick what happened?" Joe asks.

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