Chapter 19

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*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use and Graphic Violence.*******

Joe slowly starts waking up from whatever drug they gave him. He's currently laying on his back on the floor of the mess hall. When he is awake enough, he sits up and looks around. Everyone is gone and he is alone. His brain is still fuzzy. I know something happened and I had planned to leave here and help, but I can't remember what happened and who or why I was leaving to go help. Come on, Joe. Think hard! What happened? Who were you going after to help and why? Joe closes his eyes and rubs them with the heels of his hands, trying to jog his memory. There was some kind of confrontation with someone important. Then it all hit him like fast moving train. Patrick! Fuck! Gabe had approached their table to offer Patrick his protection. Patrick was super doped up on, Versed? He's pretty sure that is what Patrick called it. Anyway, Gabe kissed him and Patrick spit in his face in front of everyone. Then he took off running. Gabe sent his minions after him and told them to beat him within an inch of his life. I stood up and tried to leave to help him when I was grabbed from behind, wrestled to the floor and held down. Gabe didn't want me going after him so he drugged me and I passed out. I have to get up and go find him! He may still be in danger! He tries to stand up and is overtaken by a wave of dizziness. He waits until it passes and then he runs out the door of the mess hall to find and help Patrick. Which way did he go, though? If it was me, I would get as far away from the mess hall as I could. So, he runs away from the mess hall in the furthest direction possible. When he gets close, he hears a commotion and continues in that direction. He hears Patrick screaming in pain and follows the sound until he comes upon Shane and his friends beating Patrick until he can't move. Patrick is on the floor in really bad shape. They kick him a few more times for good measure, and then they leave him there for dead. It looks like his arms and legs are sticking out in the wrong directions, there is blood everywhere and he is about to pass out.

Joe is about to go to him, when he hears someone coming, so he hides behind a large, industrial pillar off to the side of the room. The footsteps appear to be getting closer, but he can't see who it is yet. He holds tight in his hiding spot. Finally, the footsteps are very close and he takes a peek around the pillar to see who it is. He is shocked when he sees Brad enter the room.

"I thought I smelled you, Stump! I was walking down the hall and I smelled this heavenly aroma of strawberries, watermelon, and maraschino cherries." Brad says.

Brad then realizes that Patrick is unconscious. He seems to look around the room to see if anyone is coming. When he is sure that there was no one around, he straddles Patrick's body, moves Patrick's head over to the left, bites down hard on Patrick's neck, and starts drinking his blood. Joe watches for a minute in complete and utter terror and shock. Holy Shit! Patrick was telling the truth, vampires are real! Brad is a vampire and he is currently drinking and slurping Patrick's blood from his neck! Joe can't do anything but stay there and watch this horrifying scene play out. It's like when everyone stops to look at a car accident, only his whole body is frozen in fear. He couldn't move if he tried. It appears that this is incredibly painful because it is enough for Patrick to wake up and scream from the top of his lungs.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Brad! Please stop! It hurts so much!!!!!" He hears Patrick yell, but he still can't move.

Brad does not stop. In fact, he continues for a while. He watches as Patrick is getting weaker and weaker. Finally, Brad decides he's done and Patrick is barely awake.

"You are close to death. If I take any more, I will kill you." Brad says.

He leans down again to do something, but his radio goes off.

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