Chapter 66

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Author's Note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you all had a good week. Mine was good and bad. We came home from our trip on Monday, which was fun. Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty normal for me, but on Wednesday night, our A/C went out, which sucked since it was going to be 112 degrees the next day. We are having a serious heatwave in Sacramento, CA. It wasn't terrible overnight, but when I woke up in the afternoon, it was 87 degrees upstairs and 85 degrees downstairs. None of the repair companies could get here until Friday afternoon because they were so busy. Anyways, my husband sent a friend from work that is familiar with HVAC Thursday afternoon and he was able to fix it. It's a good thing because today, it was 108 degrees.

Now back to the story. Please read the trigger warnings for this chapter. There will be some gruesome details as Luke finishes torturing his human. If that triggers you, you might want to skip that part.

This week, Joe kicks Jesus' ass, Dan and his friends find an opportunity to leave, Luke finishes torturing his human, and Joe returns to his cell following his completion of his part of the retaliation attack.

As always, Enjoy! Tell your friends, and if you like it, please feel free to vote on my chapter or  leave me a comment!  Happy reading!

Chapter 66

******Trigger Warning for Graphic Violence, Extreme Gore, and Rape******

Joe is so ready open a can of whoop-ass on Jesus. He sees Jesus still sitting on the bed across the room. He looks scared, which makes Joe happy. Joe decides to play into that and give him a death stare. Once he does that, it is very obvious that Jesus is terrified of him. He should be, since he just watched Joe beat the fuck out of Earnesto and Mateo without breaking a sweat. Joe was glad that he was in Jesus' head. Psychological distress always came in handy before a fight. If you could psych out your opponent more than he could psych you out, you always had the upper hand. He takes a second to reflect on his two previous opponents.

Earnesto had been able to fight back, but his movements were large and random. He tended to react rather than think something through. That guided his movements as well. He was always coming after Joe as a reaction to something that had occurred previously. Joe had used that to his advantage and ultimately, that is how he took out Earnesto. Mateo on the other hand had no fighting ability whatsoever. It made sense given his reputation as a slimy, disgusting bottom-feeder. You didn't need to know how to fight if you just betrayed everyone to get what you wanted. He also wasn't below servicing inmates with his perfect, dick-sucking mouth to gain favor or to obtain what he needed. In this situation though, he couldn't do that, so he was a very easy person to take down. Joe was actually a little disappointed that he did even try to fight him. Don't get him wrong, Joe was very happy that he got to beat his ass, but it wasn't as satisfying as he's hoped it would be. Mateo had done and suggested heinous acts and he definitely deserved a good beat down, but it's not the same if the person doesn't fight back. He sure loved seeing Mateo in immeasurable pain and agony. Serves him right for his part in all of this. Now all that was left was to dispatch Jesus. After this, he was done with his part in this attack. Joe will sleep like a baby tonight knowing that knowing that he'd caused these fuckers so much pain and suffering. They were also in for so much more when Gabe and Brad took over, and that made Joe very happy.

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