Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Depictions of Violence, and Rape. *******

Alex is returning from a meeting of the gang he is there to infiltrate, The Simon City Royals. He is an undercover FBI agent. He is also a vampire, which no one knows about. His mission is to get close to the leader of the Simon City Royals, who is responsible for all kinds of horrible things inside of the prison and on the outside in Chicago and report his findings back to the FBI. The FBI is working on a case that requires incredibly detailed information from the leader, who is currently serving a sixty-year sentence for murder, drug trafficking, human trafficking, robbery, and burglary. The FBI has currently hit a dead end in the case, so they placed Alex in prison to gain vital intel from the leader, Sawyer. Alex has successfully infiltrated the gang and has worked his way up to being Sawyer's first-hand man. He's already been able to provide the FBI with enough info to get the case moving in the right direction. The only person in the prison that knows his true identity, is the Warden, Andy Hurley. Since the Simon City Royals have members on both sides of the prison, Andy has provided him with a cell without a cell mate on both sides of the prison, so that he can properly move around, monitor the gang's activity, and gain the intel that the FBI needs to further their case.

When he was first placed there, he was informed of his cover story. If anyone asked about his crimes or how he got there, he was told to tell them that he was a violent serial killer who had murdered a bunch of people in cold blood. He was also told to act like a psychopath who doesn't feel remorse for anything, so that he would fit in well with the gang and get close to Sawyer.

Alex usually stays on the side where the more violent offenders are because that is where Sawyer is housed. Today, however, Sawyer has ordered him and a few other men to beat up a few members on the other side, for being greedy and hoarding some of the new drugs that have come in for themselves, thinking that no one would miss them or find out about it. Well, a member on the less violent side of the prison caught them and reported them to Sawyer immediately. Alex really dislikes having to discipline inmates, or treat them badly in general, but he must in order to keep his cover.

On his way over to the other side, he runs into a friend of his, Joe Trohman. Joe is on his way outside for his job working on landscaping and prison maintenance. Joe stops him for a minute to discuss something with him.

"Hey Alex! I was hoping I would run into you. Do you have a minute?" Joe asks.

"Sure. What's up?" Alex asked. "Hey, why don't the rest of you guys go on ahead, and I will catch up to you in a few minutes." Alex says to the others.

"Ok, boss." One of them says and they all continue toward wherever they were headed.

Once they are far enough away, they continue their conversation.

"So, what did you need, Joe?" Alex asks.

"Well, I'm not sure where to start. My new cell mate has inadvertently gotten himself into some trouble. His name is Patrick, and he has caught the attention of a really bad person who has been horribly abusing him since he got here. I'm in the process of teaching him how to fight, but we haven't gotten very far because of all the various injuries he has had. I have been at his side through all of it and am kind of being his bodyguard when I can. However, there are times like now when I can't keep an eye on him. For those times, I've been trying to form a small network of other prisoners around him to keep the bad person from getting to him. So far, the only people I've talked to about this are you and Dan. Dan says he's in. Would you be willing to watch over him when you can and protect him if need be?" Joe asks.

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