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Over the years, Corinne kept her promise.

Every tour, she was in the back of the crowd, cheering Taylor on.

Even if Taylor didn't see her, she was there.

The one cheering the loudest for the person she would always love the most.

But she never made contact.

How could she?

Taylor was a superstar.

She didn't even have her actual name on her books.

Taylor hadn't forgotten her either. Every time she got on that stage, she told herself the same thing.

"This is for Cori."

Even if she was in a relationship. None of them compared to how Corinne made her feel all those years ago.

Before she Taylor Swift.

When she was just... Teff.



"You know, I never thought this day would come." Imari, Corinne's friend for the last 5 years, spoke with a smile.

"What can I say? I'm an overachiever." Corinne replied teasingly, adjusting her jacket.

"Underachiver, more like." Imari muttered under her breath, earning a look from the girl beside her.

"What? I'm sorry, not everyone wants to relive their childhood." Corinne muttered, looking over at Imari.

"Yeah, but is it your childhood? You moved to Nashville when you were 20." Imari remarked as Corinne anxiously looked out the window of the car.

"Why did you move to Nashville at 20? Most people move to LA or New York." Imari asked, stopping at a red light.

"At that point, I was taking care of my dad somewhat. He wanted to move, so I suggested Nashville. It's nice, and I was hoping my... I was hoping for a change in scenery." Corinne half-lied.

She wasn't going to tell Imari that she hoped her first love was still going to be there.

I mean, can anyone be your first love if you never even really dated?

Not to be dishonest, the hope to see Taylor wasn't the only reason she moved to Nashville.

She had gotten an opportunity to write her first book. The publisher she was working with lived there at the time.

"And no one's fully an adult until they can drink." Corinne added as Imari drove down her old street.

"Whatever. How long has it been since you've been back?" Imari asked, making Corinne sigh softly.

"Three years. When I was 30, I felt homesick and almost got stuck here during quarantine." She informed before pointing to a house.

"Right there."

Imari pulled into the driveway, parking the car.

"It doesn't even look bad." Imari said with a smile, taking off her seatbelt.

"I guess..."

Corinne got out of the car, walking up to the door. She got the key out before opening up the door, looking around at the covered up furniture.

"Well, it's not the most welcoming..." Imari commented, looking at the bland walls.

"Yeah, I only cared for my room. My dad didn't like decorations." Corinne explained, taking the sheet off of the couch. She waved away the dust before letting out a slight smile.

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