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《《《   𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳, 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳...   》》》


Corinne tilted her head slightly as she tried to play a melody on the guitar.

Her eyebrows were creased due to her focus.

She had no idea how to play. She barely even knew the notes.

"Why is this shit so hard?" Corinne muttered, getting the note wrong again.

She was alone in her house. The quiet had started to bother her.

Taylor was back at Andrea's house because the main reason she had came to Nashville was to spend time with her mom.

And most of the time she had been here, she had spent the time with Corinne.

Andrea didn't mind at all. In fact, she wanted Taylor to spend time with Corinne.

But Taylor insisted.

So, Andrea let the girl mindlessly talk about Corinne as they baked together.

Honestly, she had no idea how Taylor didn't know she was in love with Corinne.

It was like they were back in Pennsylvania.

"Oh, Mom, I have a question." Taylor said, grabbing her wallet.

"I might have an answer for you, sweetie." Andrea replied, sipping her glass of water.

"Did you know Cori liked me as a kid?" Taylor asked, handing the folded up piece of paper to Andrea.

Andrea unfolded it, reading the letter Corinne had written to Taylor all those years ago.

"Well, yeah." Andrea replied after having read it. She smiled warmly, handing the letter back to Taylor.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Taylor asked with a frown, putting it back into her wallet so she knew it was safe.

"I thought you knew. I mean, it was so clear you were in love with each other." Andrea told her honestly, petting Kitty when the dog had sat at her feet.

"Was it really that obvious?"

"Honey, you still look at each other the same way now." Andrea said, making Taylor's cheeks heat up.

"I don't... I don't know what you mean." Taylor lied, playing with the ends of her hair.

"At Thanksgiving, you held onto every word that girl said. And I don't think she moved from your side once. She's your first love, and now she's back. It's okay to admit that." Andrea told her gently, making Taylor smile softly.

"I just don't want to risk losing her again, Mom. I mean, she's such a big part of who I am, even now. She believed in me before I did." Taylor said, looking at her mom.

"I know. But I also know she feels the same way. Always has. And until you guys admit that to yourselves, it is very entertaining to watch you two pretend you're just friends." Andrea teased, making Taylor grin with a small shake of her head.

"You've never meddled in my love life like this." Taylor pointed out, earning a shrug from her mother.

"You've never openly admitted you love Corinne. It's different with her."


Corinne's eyes flickered from side to side as she read in her backyard.

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