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"missing you comes in waves, and tonight I'm drowning..."



"That's me. Have we met before?"

Taylor's eyes that were once sparkling under the moon, dampened with sadness that unlike anything she had known.

"No... Sorry." She apologized, looking down at the ground.

Corinne stared at her for a moment, taking in the fact her Teff had changed so much.

A car honked, making both women jump.

Taylor stared at Corinne, who looked over at the car.

She had changed but stayed the same.

Her green eyes had lightened, and Taylor could see a tattoo she couldn't make out on both of the woman's arms.

Her face had matured but in a good way. She had aged like a nice wine, getting better with age.

"That's my ride." Corinne informed, making Taylor nod slowly.

Yeah, that was her Cori.

"Sorry for the mistake." Taylor apologized softly, making Corinne nod.

"It's okay. Have a nice night, and get home safe." Corinne told her before getting into the car.

Taylor watched the car drive away, a sinking feeling in her stomach.

Her Cori had forgotten her.

And it felt like hell.

"Who was that woman you we talking to? I couldn't see her face. Was it an ex or something?" Imari asked as she took off her shoes, following Corinne to the kitchen.

"Or something..." Corinne whispered, grabbing a glass of water.

"Right... Well, I'm off to bed. Remember, you have errands tomorrow." Imari reminded, earning a nod from Corinne.

"Yep. Groceries, and hopefully, I can stop at a book store or something." Corinne spoke, following Imari down the hall.

"As long as we have snacks." Imari replied before shutting the door to the spare bedroom.

Corinne chuckled, shutting her own bedroom door and laying down. She put the glass of water on the bedside table and got under the covers.

"Night!" Imari called, making Corinne laugh.

"Night, Mari!"


Corinne had showered and was dressed in a comfortable outfit.

Jeans and a shirt that was a size larger than she actually needed. A pair of sunglasses rested on the bridge of her nose comfortably while her curly hair flowed past her shoulders.

Her first stop while she was out was a cafe not too far from her house.

It was one of her favorite places to go when she was younger.

It was always calm and had welcoming energy.

When she got there, she parked her car before walking inside.

"Just a minute!"

A voice called from the back as Corinne walked to the counter.

A woman with dark brown eyes appeared, a smile on her face.

"What can I get for ya?"

"Just a iced coffee, please. Caramel, please." Corinne requested, earning a nod.

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