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《《《   "I stopped looking at faces and found the most beautiful people.   》》》


"Are you sure it was her?" Andrea asked, petting Kitty as Taylor sat with Olivia on her lap.

"Yeah, Mom. You know I'd recognize her anywhere." Taylor answered confidently, holding a glass of wine.

"It's been nearly 20 years, sweetie." Andrea pointed out, making Taylor nod. "I know. But it was her. But... she didn't remember me. Didn't even recognize me." Taylor muttered, glaring at the floor as she took a big gulp of her wine.

"At all?" Andrea checked, making Taylor nod again.

"Not at all. She didn't even know my name." Taylor answered, making Andrea furrow her eyebrows.

Andrea thought for a second, debating if she should give her opinion or not.

"Sweetie, if it was her, she's definitely lying." Andrea said, making Taylor look at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" She questioned, not wanting to get her hopes up.

"Even if she didn't recognize you, you're still famous. Now more than ever. To say she didn't recognize you at all is just crazy." Andrea explained, making Taylor think for a second.

"Well, maybe she just doesn't listen to my music."

"Taylor, she lives in Nashville. Even if she didn't, you are practically all that is played in stores and radios. She knows, sweetie." Andrea deadpanned before Taylor's phone dinged.

"It's her." Taylor whispered, opening the message.

"She wants to meet up tomorrow." She informed, making Andrea smile.

"Text her back."

Taylor glanced at her mother before typing a message. "I'm gonna ask her to meet up at that cat bookstore." Taylor muttered, typing out the message.

She bit her lip before Corinne responded, agreeing to meet there.

"Oh, God. What am I going to wear?" She spoke, standing up, basically flinging Olivia off her lap.

"Figure it out tomorrow. It's time for bed."

"Mom, I'm almost 32." Taylor spoke with a small frown.

"And I'm still your mother. Bed time." Andrea replied, making Taylor smile.


Corinne checked her phone as she petted a cat in her lap.

Imari had sent a text letting her know she would be out late tonight.

She responded, telling the woman to be safe.

Corinne looked up, her eyes locking with Taylor's immediately.


"Hi." Taylor replied, sitting down across from her on the floor, picking up a cat.

"I take it you're a fan of cats?" Corinne asked, already knowing the answer.

"I love cats. I have three at my mom's house." Taylor replied, kissing the top of the cat's head.

"Do you have any?" She then asked, looking at Corinne, who shook her head.

"I've wanted one for a while, but I never actually got one." Corinne informed, shrugging slightly as the cat on her lap started purring.

"Why'd you want to hang out?" Taylor suddenly asked, making Corinne pause slightly.

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