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I walked up the elegant steps to the palace of the Owlings; graceful beings with enormous, feathered wings. The fresh summer breeze sent shivers up my spine as I ascended higher into the clouds. The castle has been built into the mountain side and filled with caves and numerous tunnels. The structure has been homed for many generations, almost as long as I have lived my life. The stairs are made of a delicate marble while the castle turrets are constructed of pure obsidian.

My purpose here is to preserve the future of the royal family on account of my most recent prophecy. The vision had only shown me two children, an iron dagger and a dark silhouette of a young woman. I could not interpret a lot from the images alone but there was a voice giving me the prophecy. This voice may create these prophecies but is my job, along with many other seers to deliver the predictions to their respective characters.

As I make my way to the extravagant oak doors of the ancient building, I spot two guards outside the doors. The Chameleon sentries stand post at the palace entrance, their spears glinting in the midday sun. Halt, one of them orders behind her mask. What is the purpose of your visit?

I simply request a gathering with the king, I humbly state, slightly bowing out of courtesy. For you see, I am a prophet and I have come a long way to deliver a vision.

What business does this prophecy have with the king? The other guard asked, his voice hoarse with age.

It is to do with his unborn children. I honestly reply.

Thats enough, came a stern voice from the now open doors of the castle. Standing there was a middle-aged woman with jet black hair and cold blue eyes. Arsenio, come this way please.

I nodded to both guards and walked through the doors. As I followed the lady through the long passages in the castle, I couldnt help but wonder about her hair. It has obviously been dyed black as you could easily see her reddish roots coming in. She must be a Fox as no other creature can have such bright red hair.

I can tell what youre thinking. The Fox said gruffly.

And what would that be? I inquired, quickening my pace to catch up to her.

You can see my red roots, meaning that Im a Fox. She pointed at her scalp, raising her eyebrows.

So, its true. I mumbled.

Yes, and I dont want a word of it She abruptly stopped and turned to face me. Do I make myself clear?

Crystal clear


We continued in silence, strolling through the halls until we made it to a pair of grand doors. Amara opened them and gestured for me to enter. The room was bigger than any I had ever seen or been in myself.

There was an enormous crystal chandelier hanging from the high ceiling, contrasting with the feathered pattern on the roof. In the middle of the large room was an elegant pair of thrones, one clearly bigger than the other. In the larger throne sat a middle-aged man with large silver wings and a black crown resting on his greying hair.

My liege, Amara greeted the king, bowing low at his feet. I bring to you the prophet that was at your doorstep.

The king put up his hand to silence the fox, his wings flaring. He turned to face me as his dark green eyes bore holes into my amber ones. What business do you have at my castle? He asked in a loud voice, letting it echo around the room.

I nervously took a step forward, fiddling with my green shirt between my hands. I am here on account of a vision I had received a few days ago. I began. It involves the fate of your unborn children.

The king leaned towards me in his throne, curiosity coating his face. Well speak then. I would like to hear what your predictions say about my descendants.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, letting the vision return to me. I reopened them and made visual contact with the king, clearing my throat, and bringing forth the prophecy that will change everything.

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