Chapter 15

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Idyllia and I sat at the grand dining table, having a late breakfast. We both sat in silence, tiredly eating from the fruit platter or from the multitude of options from the toast tray. Much like every morning, Father is once again absent from the meal, he obviously has better things to do than share a meal with his only son and my fiancé.

So, Idyllia broke the unbearable silence, placing her cutlery on the table. About the wedding.

What about it? I asked, curious to why she would bring this a day after we met.

She straightened her back and looked me in the eyes. I was thinking it should happen as soon as possible. That way we would have all the time in the world together after we are married.

Her words made my heart stop. Married as soon as possible? What about Everly? And Leroy? How soon are you thinking? I asked, praying that she says in a month, that way my sister could be there.

Oh I dont know, maybe in a week or two. Her eyes were staring off into space, probably fantasising her dream wedding. Whatever works for you, but I want it as soon as possible.

Are you sure? I was going to do anything I could to make sure that my sister would be at my unfortunately inevitable wedding. But in all honesty, I shouldnt be complaining, it was my idea after all.

Yes. Idyllia gave me a very stern look, as if to say, I have made up my mind so dont test me. The last time I waited to get married, the wait was a month. Im not letting that happen again.

My ears perked up at what she said. This isnt her first arranged marriage. What happened at your last wedding?

She sighed. A year or two ago, I was sent a request for an arranged marriage to a young lord from the Dragon Hills. Me being me, I leapt at the chance to get married, so I gladly accepted. We decided to wait a month to get to know each other before the wedding, but it never worked out in my favour. Because we werent tied to each other by marriage or love apparently, the young lord went and fell in love with some dragon maiden. He left me, Elix. I refuse to be hurt like that ever again.

I was speechless. Poor Idyllia, no wonder she wants to get married so fast. She doesnt want her heart broken like it was with that Dragon lord. I had no idea, and Im sorry. I guess we can get married as soon as you want.

The way her face lit up gave me joy, more than Leroy ever has. I had only just met this princess a day ago, but I have this growing need to make her happy. And if that means getting married to her next week, then so be it.

Although I knew I wasnt supposed to fall for her, I couldnt help but accept these things I was feeling for Idyllia. It felt like I was betraying Leroy and everything I had promised him, our future together when Everly finds a way to stop the prophecy. Everything is just so confusing at the moment.

Well, what do you think? Idyllia randomly asked, stopping my train of thought.

I shook my head and faced her. Think about what?

Once again, she gave me that stern look. It really scared me. Have you really not been listening to me this whole time? She didnt wait for me to reply. Never mind, Ill start again. She began to talk about her plans for the wedding in her sweet voice, mentioning the guests and the venue while I got lost in her voice.


Leroy and I sat on my bed, having our rematch of chess. So, Leroy started. Whats the future bride like? Is she as good looking as me?

I laughed; Leroys humour was my favourite aspect about him. Hardly, I chuckled. But shes kind and thoughtful. Idyllias already started planning the wedding.

Planning? Leroy questioned, raising one of his eyebrows. But what about Everly? Dont you want her there?

Of course, I answered, making my move on the board. But Idyllia wants to get married as soon as possible.

Why though?

Well, in her first arranged marriage, she waited too long, and her fiancé fell in love with someone else. She just doesnt want something like that to happen again.

Leroy looked up at me, curiosity in his eyes. But why do you care, its not that you actually have feelings for her, right? The Owling guard chuckled, expecting me to agree with him, but I didnt. Right?

It was a while before I finally answered. I dont know anymore. I put my head in my hands, hoping that Leroys hands would rest on my shoulders, but they never did. With tears pricking my eyes, I looked up to meet Leroys cold ones.

You have feelings for her, he said, clearly hurt. You promised me that this marriage was just something to please your father. You lied to me.

Leroy, it wasnt something I could control. I promise. I reached out to my boyfriend, but he backed away and walked to the door. What are you doing?

You promised me that your fiancé wouldnt affect us. You promised me and you broke your word. He made his way to the door, leaving me on my bed.

Realising that he was possibly going to leave me over something I couldnt control, I scrambled off my bed and ran to Leroy. Please dont leave me. Im, sorry.

Leroy only took one pitying glance at me. Its too late for us now. He turned his back to me. Im going to see your father about my mission to the Snake Desert. When I go, just know that whatever we were is finished. Good day to you, your Highness. And he just left me there, crying on the floor as he walked away, unaware that someone had been listening to the whole ordeal.

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