Chapter 18

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Something had disturbed my peaceful slumber, causing me to stir. My hammock was moving, but clearly not from the wind, must have been one of the little monkeys. I unwillingly opened my eyes and was met with the blonding light of the sun. the canopy of trees was silhouetted in a bright green, the sun just shining through the leaves.

Rolling over, I swung my legs over the side of the hammock, leaping down to the ground. Gazing around our little campsite, I saw that Atticus was packing up his tent and Kairi was still asleep. I walked over to him and stared down at his sleeping form, chuckling to myself as I pulled my foot back a bit. I softy landed my foot in his side, laughing as he rolled away from me in annoyance.

I kept lightly kicking him a few more times until Kairi finally sat up with a grunt. He staggered to his feet, holding his obviously aching side where I kicked him. Was that really called for? He asked me, his tired green eyes glaring at me.

I shrugged my shoulders, smirking. Well, if you had woken up the first time I kicked you, I wouldnt have had to do it four more times. Kairi was silent from my statement, but Atticus was laughing his head off.

Kairi bent down and rolled up his sleeping bag, incoherently mumbling to himself. I turned around and began packing up my hammock, stuffing it into my bag. Standing back up, I saw that Atticus and Kairi were both ready to continue our hike to the Night Market.


As we drew closer to the centre of the city, many Vampyres and Chameleons glared at Atticus. I could tell he was uncomfortable as he pulled up his hood to hide his hair, he was also awkwardly staring at his feet as he walked. Kairi and I got a few unnerving glances as well, it was quite strange.

The path beneath our feet was clearly marked with cobblestone and the occasional bioluminescent pebble. The streets were lined with light posts, glowing flower buds in full bloom hung from them, emitting a blueish light. Houses lined the roads; they were either small wooden structures or large toadstools with caps of every colour imaginable. In the centre of the town was a fountain with a statue of siren in the middle, spitting out water to flow down the other levels of the fountain.

People walked through the streets, holding the hands of small children, and carrying baskets of food or other purchases from shops nearby. Signs pointed to the direction of the Night Markets, which was conveniently where we were headed. I grabbed Atticuss hand and lead him to the gateway that lead to the markets, Kairi following behind quickly.

The gateway was a tall metal archway that was covered in vines and exotic flowers. Walking through the archway made me feel better about trying to find this Derek guy, it may have been the pollen from the flowers making me think like this, though. There were people moving at different speeds throughout the market square, all going into multiple stores to purchase items from anyone willing to sell. Market stalls lined the pathway, some of them had food and drinks, jewellery, house décor and there was even one that was giving haircuts and dyeing hair for people.

I turned to Atticus with excitement painted all over my face, there was never anything remotely close to these markets back home. Atticus took one look at my face and sighed, pulling a small bag out of his pocket, peering inside. Do you want to go shopping? he asked me, raising his eyebrow cockily.

Well, if you insist, I bat my eyelashes which made both Atticus and Kairi laugh. I myself wouldnt mind a little spending, or a lot.

Atticus put the bag back in his pocket and took my hand. Unexpecting his reaction, I blushed a little. Alright then. He then began leading Kairi and I through the stalls, making and invisible beeline to one in particular. Theres someone here who just so happen to owe me a large sum of money which Ill give you to use. Whatever change you have left by the end of your spending spree can go back to me, I need it for something later.

The stall we came to had a large board next to it and there was a line of people at the stall. From what I could see, the board had a number of posters pinned to it, all of them had pictures of animals or items with a price under them. This must be where bounty hunters go to get paid. But why are we going there? Could Atticus be a bounty hunter?

The three of us got in line, patiently waiting to see whoever was in charge of the stall. The line moved quicker than I anticipated, and soon we were right in front of the man in charge. He had long black hair and a harsh scar running down his face. His eyes lit up in surprise at the sight of us, more specifically Atticus.

The man grinned so wide that I could see that he was missing one or two teeth. Ah, he started. Atticus my old friend. What is it that I can do for you today?

Atticus scoffed at the man and pulled something wrapped in a brown cloth out of his jacket. Hello, Steve, he greeted, smiling sarcastically back. I would like to trade this in for a handful of cash. He tossed the object onto the counter and crossed his arms.

Steve unwrapped the object to reveal that it was a bird skull. Steve looked it over in curiosity, tilting the skull in the light. A phoenix skull? Wherever did you find one? Steve asked, a malicious smile striking across his face.

Doesnt matter, Atticus answered. I just want the money that you agreed I would get if I found one.

Steve raised an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side. Did we really agree on a price? I cant seem to remember. He then glanced at me, at my wings. But I would be willing to negotiate a price if you threw in your friends pretty wings.

Atticus stood in front of me, blocking Steves gaze. The phoenix skull, or I wont supply for you anymore.

Steve huffed out a sigh, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose. Fine, he agreed. Cant lose my best bounty hunter, can I now? he reached behind the counter and pulled out a large stack of cash. Your payment, sir.

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