Chapter 3

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The hallways were long, and it always felt like they were caving in on me. I never liked the halls of the castle, they always seemed too big and over the top. Somehow, I was the only person who felt this way, not even anxious Leroy understood how I felt about my home. Everly on the other hand, could spend days in the open passages within the palace and had every path memorised. I dont know how she does it.

Leroys large armour clanked with every movement as I made my way to the throne room, making me even more nervous to see my father. He never liked me as much as he did Everly, and it always made me upset he acted as if I wasnt good enough for the throne.

The large stone doors towered over me as we approached them. Amara opened them with much effort, they are quite heavy. Everly and I cautiously entered the throne room, our wings brushing one anothers for comfort.

The throne room was larger than any of the other rooms in the palace, including the library which was certainly one of the biggest. And extravagant crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling which was painted with patterns or multicoloured feathers. In the middle of the room was a platform with an elegant pair of thrones, one much bigger than the other.

Father was seated in the bigger throne and his silver wings were pressed tightly against his body. The black crown that was perched within his grey hair shimmered in the sunlight cascading from a glass window behind the thrones that covered the entirety of the wall.

Greetings Father, Everly bowed to the king. I cautiously copied her movements, careful not to make any wrong moves. "We received word that you wished to meet with us.

I could never understand how my sister was so good with formal speaking when I cant even walk like how a prince should at formal gatherings. Father had always favoured Everly over me because of that and I could never comprehend why. He also blamed me for my mothers death on countless occasions, which resulted with me crying in my room for hours on end.

That is true, my dear, Father acknowledged Everly. You were both brought here because we need to discuss who will take the throne when the time comes. He stood up from his eccentric chair and descended the stairs. You see, before you were both born, a prophet came to the palace and delivered a prophecy. It is said that on your eighteenth birthday, you both must fight to the death and whoever survives will ascend the throne.

So, what youre saying, I began, confusion painting my voice. Is that one of us must kill the other in order to rule the kingdom?

Yes, my son, Father answered. And it is six months before your birthdays so you must prepare yourselves.

Hold on a minute, Everly interrupted. I refuse to kill my brother just for something as stupid as a crown and a fancy chair. Not happening.

Father glared at the princess and took a heavy sigh. Everly, there is no other way. You must go through with the prophecy. It is the way these things work.

Yes, but-

I will not have any child of mine disobeying the rules of a prophecy! Father screeched, causing both Everly and I to jump. Now both of you, return to your rooms and not a word of this to anyone else. Understood?

Yes, Father, my sister and I declared in unison.


Everly and I sat on my bed, neither one of us wanting to break the deafening silence. I looked up into my sisters eyes, the bright blue shining with tears. Hey. Hey, dont cry, my hands held Everlys shoulders as she began to sob. Well figure something out. We always do in situations like this.

None have ever been like this though. Her voice was cracking, and I began to tear up myself. Weve been locked in our rooms just to stay away from each other, but weve never been told to kill the other before. It is unjust. There must be some way to change our fate.

I gently pulled her into a hug, stroking her short blonde hair. You heard Father, we must follow the rules of the prophecy. Who knows what will happen if we dont. I dont even know if the bastard Seer is still alive.

Everly jumped out of my arms and onto her feet. Thats it! She exclaimed.

Whats it? I rose from my bed to where my twin stood.

Seers are immortal, Everly explained. Which means hes still alive and we can go talk to him. We can get him to change our fate.

Great idea, but arent you forgetting something? I asked.


I walked closer to my sister and tapped on her forehead. We dont even know his name.

Everly jumped back and rubbed her face where I tapped her. Good point, but I think I know someone who can tell us.

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