Chapter 30

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My feet pounded against the stone floor as I ran, trying to find where the voices were coming from. I easily avoided the portals in the ground as I ran, slowly losing energy as I went. My breathing became heavier and heavier, my chest aching for me to stop, almost like it was begging for its life.

Reluctantly, I gave in, resting my hands on my knees as I leaned over to catch the breath that I lost. I had reached my destination anyway, so there was no more need to continue running. The large portal lit up the area around me as I tried to calm my breathing. Hues of purples and blue swirled around, reflecting another time in Fantalia.

Inside the portal was images of trees, rare flowers, and bright blue skies. A large wooden table with carvings of vines and flowers along the legs of the table and a large green gem in the middle. Seated around the piece of furniture were several men and women with bright red hair and sharp pointy ears tipped with red fur. Foxes. Ive never seen so many of my kind in one place.

The snap of a stick under someones weight alerted the people at the table that someone was approaching them. Out of the trees came a woman with long curly red hair and deep blue eyes, carrying a bundle of blankets in her arms. She looked just like the lady from my dream when we were staying at my house for a bit. Weird.

The lady took her seat at one side of the table, nervously glancing around at the other people. The other people that were already seated at the table looked uneasy, as if they were about to discuss pressing matters. They all turned to one person in particular, Id assume that hes in charge. He wore a long green cloak, and his hair was the brightest red I have ever seen.

Please, the woman that had just walked in started. There has to be another child that the prophet meant. My son cant possibly be the one Arsenio was talking about.

Arsenio? Isnt he the seer were on our way to see? What does he have to do with any of this?

The man that appeared to be the leader spoke up. Amara, so thats her name. You and I both know that your son is the one that the Seer speaks of.

Amara held the baby in the blanket closer to her body, as if to shield him from the other Foxes. No. I refuse to believe that bastard Seer. Hes wrong.

Your son Atticus, the man continued. Is the one that will bring an end to the Owlings reign. He will destroy them in the name of a better world for our kind.

What, I whispered. Im supposed tokill them. What?

I fell to my knees in complete utter shock, letting the tears flow down my face like a waterfall. Arsenio delivered a prophecy that I would end the existence of the Owlings. No. Im journeying to Arsenio with an Owling, the princess of the Owlings. And Im destined to end her kind, just like she and her brother are destined to fight to the death. Our fates are inescapable.

My mother abandoned me to try and stop my destiny from coming true, she tried her best to save the Owlings. To save them from me. From my destiny.


I dragged my feet along the floor as I walked around the cave, trying to locate the others. Thoughts filled my head, making me deaf to the physical world around me. I clutched my arms, trying to keep myself warm from the chilling breeze in the cave. Wait, breeze? There shouldnt be a breeze in a cave, unlessI was close to a way out!

Upon realisation, I picked up the pace into a run in the direction of the wind. My feet thudded loudly as they collided with the ground, desperate to be free of this place.

I broke through a wall of vines at the end of the cave, letting the setting sun shine down on me as I fell to the grass. My breathing returned back to normal as I just laid there, relieved to be free of the portal cave.

Soft footfalls interrupted my peace, causing me to sit up and face the people coming in my direction. It was my friends; I couldnt believe it. We found each other again. I leapt up from my spot on the floor and engulfed them all in a big group hug.

I cant believe that I found you guys, I sighed, releasing them all from the embrace.

Derek reached out and ruffled my hair, chuckling. Good to see you too, Red. Thought we lost you for a bit. Where did you run off to?

I heard something and ran off to check it out, no big deal. I pushed Dereks hand off of my head and smoothed out my hair.

You really gave me a scare; you know that right? Everly spoke up, shifting her weight to one side and raising an eyebrow.

My heart dropped at the sight of her, remembering what I learned in that cave. Should I tell the others what I saw? What if they see me as a danger? Can they trust me anymore? Can I trust myself?

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