Chapter 16

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Atticus, Kairi, and I all sat outside the little mushroom house, basking in the sun. the clouds were moving by in the fresh afternoon breeze, the trees swayed with the wind, it was just peaceful. The three of us were spread out on a picnic blanket, eating little sandwiches and pieces of fresh fruit from a basket between us.

Why couldnt everyday be exactly like this?

A tap on my shoulder woke me from my sea of thoughts and memories. Opening my eyes from my little nap, I say Atticuss emerald eyes above me, almost giving me a heart attack. Morning, birdie, he greeted with his new nickname for me. Sleep well?

I pushed his face out of my way and sat up, stretching. Well enough, thank you. I reached for the basket to grab another sandwich slice, only to realise that the basket was empty. Who ate the last sandwich?

I looked at both boys, deducting who ate the last sandwich. They looked confused as to why I was being so serious about this. But they were even more baffled when I broke out in a fit of laughter. Dont look so serious, I chuckled. I honestly dont care who ate the sandwich.

Atticus and Kairi looked at each other in silence, before bursting out in laughter. I cant believe you were so serious about a damn sandwich, Kairi said between breaths. The look on your face made me think you were about to murder someone.

Now the three of us were laying on each other, calming down from our laughing fit. The wind was slowing down, and the clouds were disappearing. Birds flew past us in their little flocks, multiple-coloured feathers fell from the movement of their wings. At the sight of the rainbow shower, Kairi got up and started collecting the feathers, disregarding where they might have been.

Atticus and I watched him in silence, the both of us glad that he was doing better after what happened with the mud puddle yesterday. The ground was still relatively wet, apart from small dry areas like where we were currently sitting. Today was going to be a great day, I could feel it.


Atticus and I stood outside the house, Kairi was resting on the little swing organising his collected feathers. Atticus had a notepad and pen in his hands, he also was wearing a strange pair of glasses. They were obnoxiously large with several rings in the lenses, he says that he uses them when he studies things.

So, I started. What is it you are doing?

Atticus opened his notepad and prepared his pen. I want to learn more about Owlings, he simply answered, sitting down on a smaller toadstool. There isnt much written about your species, funnily enough. Also, did you happen to pack a tank top in your bag, by any chance?

I raised my eyebrow. Yeah, why?

Would you be able to put it on so that I could see exactly where your wings attach to your back. I would like to draw some reference images for my research. Please. There was something about his face, something about him made him look absolutely adorable when he asked for something. He also got really excited about doing research from what I could see.

Sure, I gladly agreed. Ill be back in a bit. I opened the front door to the toadstool house and made my way up the stairs. Walking into the guest bedroom, I grabbed my purple tank top and changed out of my tunic.

When I walked back outside, Atticuss back was to me while he was seated on the large mushroom. Silently creeping up behind him, I chuckled to myself in my head. I cant wait to see his face when I scare the living daylights out of him. When I was just behind him, in a rapid motion I quickly put my hands on his shoulders and yelled.

Not expecting me to come back so soon, Atticus jumped so high that he fell off of his makeshift chair. He turned to me in shock, only to see me chuckling behind my hand as I offered a hand to help him up. He took my hand, or at least I thought he would. Instead he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to the ground.

Unfortunately instead of landing beside Atticus, I landed right on top of him. Our faces were mere inches apart, both of us were extremely flustered. Out of embarrassment and shock, I put my hands to his chest and pushed myself off of him.

When we both were standing up, finally got to do what we were meant to do. Atticus got me to spread my wings so he could measure my wingspan, I flew around a bit, and he even weighed my wings. After conducting several forms of research, we sat with Kairi on the swing, which somehow could fit all three of us.

Thanks, Everly, Atticus said, scribbling in his notebook. I now have a plethora of research on Owlings.

No problem, Atticus, I answered, leaning on the backrest of the swing.

Kairi leaned over to me, close enough that I could count the green scales dotting his face. You do know that I saw what happened when you tried to scare Atticus, right?

I sighed, shutting my eyes out of shame. Youre never going to let me live that down, are you?

Absolutely not, birdie.

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