Chapter 2

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Everly Idina Hawksley! Amara screamed from down the hall. I just ignored her calls and bolted towards Elixs room. The halls kept on twisting and turning as I ran through. I ran past portraits, shelves, staircases lined with banisters and countless doors until I finally made it to my brothers room. My chambers were just across from his, but I like to pretend that they dont exist. Elixs room is way better to chill out in.

Without knocking or asking for permission to enter, I opened the door and strut through. Once I was sure Amara wouldnt blow up the door when she found me, I backed up from the now closed entrance. Who put you on their hitlist now? Came a sarcastic voice from behind me.

Elix was seated on his bed with his best friend, the lieutenant Leroy. They were both playing a game of chess, in each others clothes. Elix was wearing a suit of black and purple armour that was too big for him and Leroy wore Elixs ruffled shirt and excessive cape. Alright, Im going to ignore the fashion show in here, I began, making my way to the nest shaped chair in the corner of the room, But Amara threw her lipstick at me for being late to my meeting with Father.

Why did Father need a meeting with you? Elix questioned, making his move on the board. White knight to attack the black bishop.

Im more concerned about the lipstick getting thrown at you, but okay. Leroy stated.

But seriously, why did you get a piece of makeup thrown at you? Elixs concern was evident in his tone when he asked.

I just walked into the dining room for breakfast where Amara was doing her makeup, I began as the boys packed up their game. She asked me why I was late for my meeting, and I told her that I slept in.

Sounds about right. Interrupted Leroy.

Shush, you. I am trying to tell a story here, I hushed the Owling lieutenant. Anyway, she told me that I need to have better time management if I want to become queen. At that point I was eating, and I was completely zoned out. I didnt quite hear what she said to me, but she threw her lipstick at me.

So why were you running to my room? Elix asked, raising his eyebrows, and fluffing his black wings.

Because I may have, possibly, told her to go to hell I could feel my cheeks burn up out of embarrassment.

It was quiet from both boys at that point, neither one brave enough to say something. They both made eye contact with each other, then me, then back at each other. It was another minute of pure silence before they burst into a fit of laughter, tears and all.

Are you kidding me? I scolded the boys. I got assaulted by a beauty product and youre laughing through my pain?

At that moment there was a knock on the door, going by the amount of rings I could hear against the wood, it was Amara. Open this door, Elix, her shrill voice commanded. Your father would like a word with both you and your sister.

Elix looked me in the eye once he calmed down, his cobalt eyes reflecting his confusion. I tilted my head to the door in a gesture telling him to open it. He grumbled under his breath and made his way to the oak door. Elix took a deep breath and looked into Amaras furious gaze. Good morning, Amara. He casually greeted. How are you today?

Just fine, thank you Elix. Amara indeed looked strange when she smiled. Your father requests both of you in the throne room.

I stood up and walked to Elix, my white wings fluttering behind me. What does he need? I queried, glaring at the woman before me. And what does it have to do with both of us for that matter?

Amaras almost black eyes bore into my skull, making me second guess talking back to her. I believe he would like to tell you that himself, Everly. She spat my name as if it were poisonous. Elix and I glanced at each other and reluctantly followed Amara out the door, leaving Leroy all alone.

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