Chapter 24

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There was shuffling in my arms while I slept, as if something was trying to escape from my grasp. I slowly opened my eyes to see that it was still dark out, except for the dim lights near us from the streetlamps. The moving in my arms came from Atticus, I almost forgot that I was holding him while he slept. Opening my eyes more, I let them adjust to the darkness.

Atticuss face was scrunched up in discomfort or fear, I couldnt tell which. He kept shifting his sleeping position every few seconds and I realised that he was having a nightmare. Upon realisation I sat up with the boy still in my arms. He curled himself deeper into my wings, finding comfort between the soft feathers.

Atticus, I whispered, cautious as to not wake the others that were still asleep. Atticus, its okay. Whatevers happening in your head isnt real.

It seemed that my words werent calming him down at all, but I had to try. After many attempts of whispering to Atticus to wake him up, I gave up and tried repeatedly tapping his cheek.

The boy woke abruptly to my hand coming into contact with his face. His eyes were teary, and he looked so innocent. Reality came back to him, and he burst into tears. I rubbed my hand up and down his back in a way of soothing him. Atticus gladly leaned into my touch, snuggling closer to me. I wrapped my wings around us both and slightly rocked back and forth.

Atticuss crying slowly stopped, and his breathing calmed down to a somewhat normal pace. After a while, his bloodshot emerald eyed looked up to meet my blue ones, his eyes wet with fresh tears and childlike innocence. He blinked a few times to let them adjust to the little light before making eye contact with me again, only to look away after a few seconds. Im sorry, he quietly apologised, playing with the feathers of my wings. I woke you up from my nightmares again.

I cupped his face with my hands, brushing his tears away with my thumbs. Its okay, I whispered. Never be sorry for something you cant control. Ill always be here if you ever need me, I promise.

The boy in my arms smiled and gave me a huge hug, which I gladly embraced. While holding Atticus, I could faintly smell light scents of trees and firewood. When we pulled apart, Atticus let out a yawn, he was obviously really tired. You tired? I asked, rubbing his back gently.

Atticus sleepily nodded in reply. I opened my arms as an invitation for him to go back to our original sleeping position. The boy gladly leapt into my arms, snuggling closer. We laid back down and waited to fall asleep again. Atticus fell asleep faster than me and it wasnt long before I was succumbed into another deep slumber.


A few hours after I fell asleep for a second time, the sun rose, and I was awoken again. With a groan, I rolled over and sat up. I looked around at the group while my brain was waking up. Atticus and Kairi were making sure that there was no one around to see us leave while Derek was seated on the ground moping.

I stood up and stretched my wings as I walked over to Kairi and Atticus. From the looks of everything, Vampyre Valley hasnt woken up for the day yet. Which conveniently leaves a perfect window for the four of us to leave. Today was going to be an interesting day.

I turned back around and made my way to where Derek was sitting, a large frown on his face. Kneeling beside him, I took notice to his large collection of scars lining his face. His grey eyes flickered over to me, causing him to release a dark chuckle. What are you thinking, princess? Derek sneered. You certainly cant leave me here. But I probably shouldnt be trusted near Atticus, can I?

I just glared at the Vampyre in front of me. Of course youre coming with us, I replied calmly. We need you to take us to Arsenio.

With that I walked behind Derek and grabbed my knife, slicing through his bonds. I gripped my hand around his upper arm and lifted him up. You better behave on this trip, I threatened. Or Ill throw you into the ocean and feed you to the Sirens.

Derek chuckled again, rubbing his sore wrists. You wouldnt dare, girly.

Oh yeah? Try and see what happens, blood sucker.

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