Chapter 9

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The rain was bucketing down on us as we made our way through the forest. The mud squelched under my boots, and it was getting harder to keep my wings clean. Kairi was struggling to not trip as much now that we were travelling through a rockier path with more roots protruding from the ground. Atticus was ahead of us, chopping leaves out of the way, like in some adventure/romance books Ive read.

I slightly ran ahead to catch up with the Fox, splashing small bits of mud up onto the bottom of my white wings. How much farther until we get wherever it is were going? I asked.

Atticus stopped and turned around, looking over my messy form. Not much further.

Where is it that were even going? Kairi piped up from the back, waddling behind us with his bag.

My house, Atticus smugly replied. When your mother abandons you with a group of Vampyres to raise you, you need somewhere to live, right?

I guess. Atticus nodded at my reply and continued walking, cutting away any low hanging branches to clear the way.

It was a while before the rain started to slow down, leaving only droplets hanging from leaves. The clouds began to clear and the birds took flight again, in their tightly knit flocks. A slight breeze was forming and there were little critters scampering across the muddy walkway.

The trees were thinning out the further we walked, and a few mushrooms could be seen through the wood. Some mushrooms were tall enough to reach the tops of the trees, a few were even thick enough to be houses. It was then clear that we were at the very edge of the Vampyre Valley.

Just a little bit further, Atticus spoke up, stepping on a tall rock to see how far we have to go.

Whatever you say, Fox, I replied.

Atticus jumped off his pedestal and walked alongside me. Can you just call me Atticus? He asked. Just because Im a Fox, doesnt mean that you have to constantly acknowledge it like its the rising sun.

I stopped him and looked up at his gaze, my hand on his chest. Look, I began. Im sorry if I came across as rude, and I mean it. Im just a bit skittish around your kind as they are known to be sketchy. But that doesnt mean that youre the same as any of them.

He paused for a moment, his eyes drifting away from reality. I took my time to admire his emerald green eyes, completely unaware that Kairi was no longer with us. His eyes had little flickers of gold around the pupil, as if the gold was protecting his pupils from the green forest. Do you really mean to say that Im different? Atticuss soft voice brought me back to reality. Different from what Im thought to be?

Yes, I responded, the heat rising up my neck to my vulnerable face. You are very different from anyone Ive ever met, Atticus.

He just smirked and bowed, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. Well, I am honoured, princess. And as quickly as waking from a dream, he released my hand and continued leading us down the path.


It wasnt long before we had made it to a large toadstool house with a little wooden door. There was a little wooden swing outside the house, small lights hanging from the surrounding trees and a cute pebble path leading to the door. Woah, I gasped, admiring the small structure. You live here?

Atticus shrugged his shoulders, obviously happy to be home. Yeah, its been a while since Ive brought anyone else over before.

We walked up to the door and Atticus was ready to open the door when we heard someone severely panting. We turned around and saw Kairi running up to us, covered in mud from head to toe and missing a shoe.

What happened to you? I asked as I ran up to him to take his bag out of his hands. And wheres your shoe?

The giant mud puddle down the road demanded a sacrifice, Kairi looked me in the eyes. And I just so happened to be the victim.

Well, Atticus looked the Chameleon up and down. You are not going in my living room covered in mud. I have some spare clothes that might fit you and you can take a shower when were inside.

Atticus opened the door and let us inside. We took our shoes off and left them at the front door. Kairi, come with me so I can get you sorted out, Atticus led the mud-covered boy to the base of the stairs and turned to me. And Everly, just relax and Ill be back in a minute. With that, the Fox boy left to the second floor of his house, and I was left alone.

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