Chapter 34

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Obnoxiously loud crashes could be heard from down the halls, as if someone had decided that it was a good idea to practically destroy the castle. Out of curiosity, I crept out of my room to take a look. As I followed the noise, I realised that I was heading in the direction of where my new room is being decorated. My heart stopped at that realisation. Idyllias in that room.

I picked up my pace to almost a run, I hoped that she was okay. My shoes thudded against the floor as I ran. Whoever designed this castle mustve been either an idiot or drunk. Why were there so many rooms and hallways for no reason. I think Ill go with my thought that the designer was drunk at the time, no sober person would do this. Ever.

When I finally turned the corner, I could see Idyllia laying on the floor. She was gripping her neck and tears were actively flowing down her cheeks, mixing in with the blood from her nose. I shouted her name, but I got no response. I ran even faster to her side and knelt beside her.

I delicately lifted up her wrist, checking for a pulse. I could feel the light thudding under my fingers, but I could tell that it was slowly fading. I looked down at her body again and saw that her chest wasnt rising with the intake of air at all. She couldnt breathe!

I quickly rolled her over so that she was on her back and I started to give Idyllia cpr. I interlocked my hands together and placed them on her chest, evenly pressing down to keep her blood flowing through her body. Every few pumps I would stop to give her air and continue the process over again. Hoping that she would wake up.

After a while I could feel Idyllias chest slowly start to move on its own again. I sighed with relief and held her hand, waiting for her to wake up. Idyllia opened her eyelids and rolled to the side to cough blood out of her airways. When she had calmed down, she realised I was there and engulfed me in a tight embrace. Thank you, she quietly muttered.


The sheets were soft to the touch, made of a warm material. It was my first night in the new room, with Idyllia by my side. When she had finally calmed down and her breathing was back to normal, she tried to tell me what happened to her, but unfortunately couldnt remember. It was quite odd to say the least.

My thoughts kept me awake through the night, stopping me from getting sleep at all. The voices in my head only circled around the same things. Where did that mirror come from? What happened to Idyllia today? It was all too overwhelming.

Loud shuffling beneath the covers broke me from my deep mindscape. I rolled over and saw that Idyllia was sitting up and wide awake. Reluctantly, I sat up and locked eyes with her, careful as to not pull out the feathers in my wings. Are you okay? I asked her.

Yes, she replied in a scarily calm voice. I was just thinking my dear.

I chuckled. Thinking can be quite dangerous. But what about?

It was then that I felt something change in Idyllias manner. You never gave me a wedding gift.

What she had said caught my attention. But she was right. I guess that since the wedding was planned in such a short time, I never had the chance to get her something. Well, I can sure fix that for you. Idyllia perked up at my statement, cracking a smile along her face. What is it that you would like?

She didnt take much time to think about it, obviously knowing what it is that she wants. I would like you, she began, dragging out her voice as she spoke. To kill the king.

My heart stopped pumping. She clearly must be joking. Youre kidding right, I chuckled, hoping she would laugh with me. But she didnt.

I most certainly am not. Her tone was stern while she kept a straight face. I want you to enter his room in the dead of night. I want you to slit his throat while he sleeps. I want to become queen. Immediately.

I felt my blood run cold. It felt as though time stopped. Did I really marry this woman? Did I make a mistake?


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