Chapter 29

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The whispers talking in the cave didnt stop at all, it was creeping me out. The purple lighting most certainly didnt help either. Atticus still had a fearful grip on my hand, almost afraid to let go of it. It was kind of adorable, if it werent for the scary situation.

We continued down the path that was somewhat clear of portals, except for the occasional stray one of us nearly falls into. Gusts of wind blew our hair around and it became strong enough that at times we would fall over. We were walking for what felt like hours, but it was hard to tell with no end to the cave in sight.

How long do you reckon weve been walking for? Atticus piped up, still gripping my hand.

I looked around the area of the cave we were in, trying to guess how far we walked. I cant tell, I replied. Every turn looks the same.

We continued on in silence, clinging to some hope that we would find the others. The whispers and wind didnt stop, and it was impossible to ignore, almost as if the noises were desperate to make their way into my head.

Out of nowhere Atticus stopped in the middle of the path, his face scrunched up on confusion. He rapidly turned his head around, as if trying to find something. Did you hear that? He asked, fear lacing his voice.

I blinked at the red head before me, trying to listen out for what he might be hearing. Nothing. I didnt hear anything. I placed my hand on his shoulder, looking into his green eyes. Are you sure you heard something?

Im not sure. Atticus still looked on edge, stealing quick paranoid glances around the room. His grip on my hand slightly tightened, and I could feel the cold sweat dripping down his arm.

Lets keep going, I offered. The boy beside me shakily nodded his head and we continued moving, hands interlocked as we walked.

We had only walked a few paces before Atticuss hand slipped from my grip and he was kneeling on the floor, clutching the sides of his head in pain. I rushed to his side and gripped his shoulders, watching the tears stream down his face as he screamed. It was the worst thing I had ever heard, to hear him cry out in such agony, not knowing how to help him.

I pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back and trying to soothe him. It was the best I could do. His breathing slowly stopped, and he was no longer shaking as much. I pulled out of the embrace to wipe away his tears, looking into his bloodshot eyes. What happened? I asked when he had calmed down more, moving to sit next to him, rather than in front.

I-I dont know, he started, running a hand through his messy hair. It was fine at first, but then I heard voices.

Voices? I queried, raising an eyebrow. Maybe Atticus was hearing the same voices as I was, but why was he in pain?

Yeah, voices, he replied. It was as though they were shouting at me, screaming my name. My head felt like it was going to explode, it was awful.

Atticus started crying once more, leaning into my embrace as I wrapped my wings around us both. We just sat there like that for a while, holding each other close.

Then it was as if something had snapped inside the boy in my arms. He quickly stood up and looked around, his eyes finally landing in one direction. TheyI have to find them. With that, Atticus ran into the darkness, leaving a subtle trail of dust behind him.

It took me a second to register what just happened, it was so quick. I turned to the direction that Atticus ran and tried to follow, but I was unsuccessful. A large stone wall covered in purple portals rose from the ground as if by magic, and it completely blocked me from getting back to Atticus.

I fell to my knees in shock, Derek never mentioned that walls could appear out of nowhere. Why would he forget to mention that simple detail. Now I was all alone, left with nothing but my travel bag and my thoughts flooding through my head. All alone was I, the little princess that thought she could change her fate. I never should have left.

With my thoughts overpowering my head, I erupted in tears, desperate for someone to find me in here. Please dont leave me alone.

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