Chapter 20

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The three of us walked through the market square, shuffling past the few people that roamed the streets. Atticus was counting the money he got from Steve while Kairi and I looked around in amazement. Several stalls and pop-up stands lined the paths, all owned by Chameleons and Vampyres alike.

We stopped at a bench by a smaller fountain than the one in the centre of town. Atticus split his money and gave 200 to me and Kairi, leaving 100 for himself. Alright, he began. You can go and shop all you want, but I expect change. I need some money to get Derek to help us.

Got it.


Atticus nodded, standing up from the bench. So are we splitting up or all going together? He asked, looking around at the crowd.

Kairi and I looked at each other, mentally deciding what to do. We both nodded to one another and turned back to Atticus. We have decided that it would be better for the three of us if we stuck together, I replied.

Atticus nodded once more, stuffing his share of the money into his pocket. So, where should we go first?


After buying a new dagger, a cape, and several other miscellaneous items, the three of us made our way to the hair salon stall. There were seats stationed near water basins, some in front of mirrors and several shelves were stocked with hair supplies.

Kairi and I walked up to the counter where a Vampyre was lazily looking at her nails. At the sound of our footsteps approaching, she looked up and straightened her posture. What can I do for you two today, folks? She asked in a bubbly voice, pulling out a notepad from under the counter.

Kairi and I looked at the price board, figuring out what to get. Id just like my hair dyed, he spoke first.

Ill have the same. I was never introduced to these things back at Owl Mountains and I was looking to try something new. This was going to be so much fun.

The Vampyre led us both to seats that were right next to each other. The chairs were quite soft, and the cushions were made of a delicate leather. The woman placed a towel on our backs to protect our shirts and handed us both magazine of multiple hair dye colours on different hair types.

Flicking through the magazine, I was thinking of how fun it would have been to take Elix to this place, I guess Ill have to bring him another time. I finally decided to get the tips of my hair coloured a light blue and Kairi wanted neon green streaks. We handed the magazine back to the Vampyre and she left to grab the bottles of dye and some brushes. She came back and asked if I wanted the edges of my wings done as well, to which I happily said yes.

Our hair was washed first to get rid of any unwanted oils and grime that may have been picked up from our journey. Then the Vampyre poured the dye on a palate and brushed the blue into the end of my hair and along the edges of my wings. The dye had to sit for a while to soak into the hair before the excess was washed out.

After my hair was washed a second time, the Vampyre gave me a handheld mirror to see the end results. In all honesty, I loved my new look. My hair looked fabulous, and my wings no longer looked boring. I looked to my side and saw Kairi gawking at the neon green in his dark hair, it suited him with his scales. I think that this just may be the highlight of my day.

We paid the owner and left the stall to find Atticus sitting at a bench with some sort of food in his hands. We walked closer and he stood up and closed the distance. He held his hands out to Kairi and me, offering the food to us. I bought you guys some twisty potatoes. I grabbed the skewer out of his hands, a whole fried potato was on it, except it was cut in a spiralling form all the way down the end of the stick. When I bit into it, it was very crunchy, falling apart in my mouth. Apart from Atticuss beef ribs, this was the best thing I had ever tasted.

Oh my god, I stated, food still in my mouth. This is delicious.

Atticus laughed as Kairi and I wolfed down the last of our potatoes. I know right. Also, nice hair.

He took a strand of my hair in his soft hands, looking it over. He looked down at my wings and was shocked at the blue along the edges. I didnt know Natalie dyed wings as well.

Natalie? I said to myself. So thats her name.

I turned around to the Vampyre in the hair salon and waved to her, saying thank you for her services. I turned back to the boys, both of which were sword fighting with the skewers. I just laughed at how childish Atticus was, for an eighteen-year-old.

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