Chapter 21

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After Everly and Kairi got their hair dyed, they looked as if they belong here, in the streets of Vampyre Valley and not in some cramped palace in the mountains. The three of us walked around for a little longer, waiting for the sun to go down so that we could find Derek. He only opens his candle store at night, he prefers it when its dark for some reason.

The streets got less crowded as the sun began to set, people obviously had family dinners to go to or young children that need to get to sleep. As more people left the markets, more arrived and some stalls opened to begin their days work. Streetlights were lit by the state officials, and more of them showed up for duty. When night fell, it was more common for thefts to occur than during the day.

The amount of officials arriving was unusual, there normally is four or five, never ten. Something is going on, and its making me nervous. After seeing the trees yesterday, I have taken more care in my actions, not wanting to end up like those unlucky foxes I saw. Dont worry Atticus, I thought to myself. Nothing is going to happen; youre just being paranoid.

I calmed myself down and continued to walk with Everly and Kairi. We made our way to the empty candle stall, waiting outside for Derek. The smell of burning candles wafted through the air, odours of flowers, fruits, and river water. Im still trying to figure out how Derek makes the candles smell so good.

As we walked further to the edge of the markets, the number of stalls open lessened. Most people tended to not really wander near the edge of the markets, I guess they think nothing is ever open down there. I was surprised when I saw that there actually were stalls open this end when I first came here.

It was a while before we actually made it to the candle store just as the sun had lowered below the horizon. Although the night had just begun, it was still relatively bright from all of the lanterns that have been lit. a warm glow was coming from a rose gold market stall, the flickers of light and sweet smells gave away that it was where Derek is.

I walked ahead of the others in the direction of the stall, following the distinct scent of wild berries. When I got to the counter, I saw a very sleep deprived Vampyre leaning on his arm as a way to get some rest. He had naturally brown hair that has been mostly dyed blonde. His hair was up in a small bun, and he had several small scars decorating his face.

I tapped him on the shoulder, waking him up from his much-needed nap. His grey eyes looked around frantically before locking with my green ones. Oh, he smiled at me, his sharp teeth glinting in the light. Atticus. So nice to see you again.

He walked out from behind the counter and embraced me in a hug. He had to bend down a bit as he is about 63. He let go of me and slapped me on the back, albeit a bit too hard. He stepped back and looked behind me. I noticed in his eyes that he saw Everly and Kairi. Whore your buddies over there?

I turned around to look at the pair, gesturing to them that its safe to come closer. This is Everly and her best friend Kairi, I introduced.

Derek looked sceptically at Everly, as if he were analysing what to do. Everly? he asked, raising an eyebrow. As in princess Everly Hawksley?

Yes I replied, becoming confused at Dereks actions. Why do you ask?

Derek turned to me, his eyes turning cold.

What are you doing with the Princess of the Owlings this far away from Owl Mountains?

I dont know why but something told me that there was something wrong in this situation. I slowly stepped away from the Vampyre, fear flooding my senses as Derek stalked closer. My feet stumbled over each other as I backed into a tree. Everly and Kairi stared in shock as Derek pulled out a sword from the sheath at his belt. What did you do to her? He asked in a threatening manner.

Everly and Kairi ran in front of me and tried to block Derek from hurting me. He just pushed them to the side, causing them to land hard on the floor with a thud. I looked back into Dereks eyes and all I saw was red, I could tell he thought I kidnapped Everly from her family, which is the highest form of treason. This was punishable by death.

Derek raised the sword high, his eyes locked on my inconveniently bare neck. I closed my eyes and gripped the bark of the tree behind me, watching my lonely eighteen-year long life flash before my eyes. I took one final breath and waited for the blow.

But it never came.

I opened my eyes and saw Derek knocked out at my feet; the sword tossed to the side. Behind the unconscious Vampyre stood Everly, holding a large wax candle in her hands. I just stared at her shocked. She just saved my life.

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