Chapter 6

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The forest at the edge of Owl Mountains was extremely dense and dark. The trees provided a thick canopy above the ground, which was wet and slippery from the recent downpour. Rocks and roots stuck out of the ground every few steps and if I had a dollar for every time Kairi tripped, I would be bathing in cash.

That was not funny, he protested after I laughed at his fall. Kairi picked himself off the ground and wiped the mud off his face.

It was kind of funny, I admitted as we continued down the path. The dirt squelched as I pushed through wet leaves and ducked under low hanging branches. My inconveniently pure white wings were pressed tightly against my back so that they would stay clean.

I would much rather fly to Arsenios island, but Kairi is far too heavy for me to carry for that length of time. The sound of boots running over the dirt alerted me that Kairi was catching up to me.

Took you long enough, I joked once he was beside me.

I had to tie up my laces, he defended.

Sure, you did. I ruffled his thick curly hair as he chuckled. Now come on, we should be getting close to a clearing where we can make camp.

Thats probably a good idea.

Of course, it is, came a new voice from the trees.

Kairi and I whipped around to make eye contact with the boy leaning against a tree with a smug look on his face. From the way he leaned against the tree, I could see that he was a decent height; five-nine, five-ten maybe. He had bright red hair and his eyes were as green as the leaves around us. Crap, hes a Fox.

Who are you? I asked, pulling out one of my daggers as I walked towards the strange boy.

The names Atticus, he introduced with an exaggerated bow.

No last name? Kairi inquired.

Unfortunately, not that I know of. Atticus got off the tree and stood with his face mere inches away from mine. Now, who might you be, little lady? His voice was so hypnotic, and his breath smelled of apples and spring water.

Everly. Everly Hawksley. I pushed Atticus in the chest, and he staggered back.

Pleasure to make your acquaintance, your highness. His smirk almost made him look childish, and his numerous freckles didnt help.

If it matters to anyone, probably not, but Im Kairi. The Chameleon walked up to Atticus and they both shook hands.

So, wherere you guys headed? The Fox parade around us, glancing into the trees every now and then. If Im being honest, neither of you look like youve been around here before.

What gave it away? I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Probably the fact that I watched the two of you walk in circles for the past half hour. He raised an eyebrow cockily and smirked.

Were trying to get to Arsenios island, I answered, pulling the map out of my bag. Atticus swiftly took the parchment from my hands and looked over it. He turned it around a few times while analysing our surroundings.

Well, what you want to do is go through Vampyre Valley to get to the docks at the southern end of the territory. But be careful to not be tempted by the many merchants in the markets. Atticus traced our path as he spoke. When he was done, he rolled up the map and handed it back to me. Once it was in my bag, I shook hands with the Fox and walked past him with Kairi on my heels.

Wait. Within seconds, Atticus was at my side and grabbed my wrist gently. I only know how to get to the central markets, but I do know a guy that can get us to our destination.

Us? Our? Kairi piped up. What do you mean?

Atticus scratched the back of his neck and stared at his feet, watching the ants crawl past them. I was kind of hoping that I could accompany you on your trip he lifted his head, and his green eyes met my blue ones. If thats okay, I mean.

I could feel heat rising to my face, but I turned away before Atticus noticed. Let me talk to my associate first. I grabbed Kairi – who was looking at a rock formation in the dirt – and dragged him into the trees.

Whats up? Kairi asked, studying the gemstone in his hands. Is it about having another companion on our journey? What is one more person going to do?

It would be fine, if it werent for the fact that hes so dreamy.

He looks like a horse.

Horses are cute.

Not this horse. Kairi looked behind the tree and glared at Atticus.

I dont care what you say, hes coming with us. I walked away from our meeting and back into the clearing.

You sound like a kidnapper, Kairi scoffed as he followed me, his fingers pressed to his temple in frustration.

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