Chapter 31

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Since we left the cave, Atticus has been actingodd, to say the least. He wont talk to me, and when I try to ask him if hes okay, hell walk away from me. Did I do something wrong?

I tried to get those negative thoughts out of my head, ignoring the way Im feeling. Kairis footfalls were a good distraction, and so was listening to him talk about rocks. Apparently while Atticus and I were lost in the cave, Kairi had picked up some rocks for his collection. And listening to him talk nonstop about them was truly draining the energy I had left.

No matter how hard I tried, my brain kept circling back to my family. I wonder how Father is doing, how my brother is coping without me. And some part of me is curious to how Amara is, but it was only a small part of me. Emphasis on small.

Everly? Kairis voice broke me from my captivating thoughts. I shook my head and faced my Chameleon companion with a raised eyebrow.

Yes, Kairi, I replied, adjusting the strap of my bag to sit better. Did you say something?

The boy in question just gave me an are you kidding me look in reply to my statement. Yes, yes I did. Were you thinking about him again?

Depends on who he is, I countered, cracking a smirk instead of a smile.

You know who Im talking about. Kairi said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Red hair, 59-ish, green eyes, head-over-heels for you, name might be Atticus. Ringing any bells here?

Im sorry, what? for some reason Kairis fourth point was what my brain chose to listen to. Head-over-what? I think youre confused buddy. Atticus is not in love with me. Were just friends. Thats it.

Kairi scrunched up his face in confusion, and as an attempt to stifle his laughter. I think that you might be a bit oblivious, Everly, the Chameleon chuckled. What friends cuddle in the middle of the night?

I scoffed at my friend. Tons of friends cuddle with each other. Whats your point?

My point is that you two have known each other for literally six days. You cuddled with each other on the first night. Kairi gripped me by the shoulders and slightly shook me as he spoke.

Ill admit, he did have a point. Atticus and I had barely known each other for a week, and I may have already developed feelings after we had been stuck together in the cave, until he left me. I know that isnt a good thing, but I couldnt resist him. Maybe I was in love with him, but it could never be. We probably wont see each other after I get home anyway. Right?

No, weve known each other for such a short time that it would be impossible to start developing feelings, if there were to be any. Which there are not, none whatsoever. Were just friends, nothing more. Whatever Im feeling is just my brain making things up. That is the only logical explanation.


The sun had set a few hours ago and we were still walking. Derek said that apparently there was an abandoned treehouse nearby. But then again, should anyone really listen to anything Derek says? Ive known the guy for literally a day and a half, and he talks about himself so much. Ive learned that he is an orphan, used to be a wanted criminal in the Dragon Hills before he moved to Vampyre Valley and that he had a Dragon boyfriend in his old home.

But the thing that most concerns me is that he has only ever travelled this way once; when he was nine. He is seventeen now. That was eight years ago. My faith in Derek seems to disappear every moment I talk to him, and so do my braincells. I think that theyre an endangered species at this point I swear.

We had been trekking for a little longer before a house of sorts hanging from a large tree came into our view. Upon coming closer to the treehouse, I could see that it was hanging from a very thick tree branch by a lot of vines and chains. A long ladder was dangling from an opening in the structure, and it didnt look very sturdy.

One of the steps on the ladder made a loud, ear-splitting crack when Kairi put his weight on it to climb up to the treehouse. This made him fall hard on his back, but it didnt do much damage as it was only the first step. The Chameleon grunted and stood up.

Looks like well have to find another way in, Derek stated, scratching the back of his neck.

Maybe Everly can fly in and lower down a rope or something, Kairi suggested.

I just shook my head. Afraid not, I started. My wingspan is too big to fit through the door once I get up there, and there isnt a ledge to stand on either.

Derek and Kairi stood in silence, trying to figure out what to do to get in. Yes we could stay out here, but Derek said that it wouldnt be ideal. So we had no other choice but to figure out a way to break into that treehouse.

While the three of us were busy thinking, no one had noticed that Atticus had disappeared. At least not until we heard his voice from above us. Hey guys, the Fox boy had shouted from the door above.

We all looked up at him in shock, astonished that he had gotten up there so quickly. The tree itself hardly had any footholds and the bark was smooth to the touch, so the fact that Atticus had gotten up there so fast astounded me.

Did I forget to mention that I am a great tree climber? The boy chuckled as he threw down another ladder from inside the treehouse, one of which seemed more stronger than the other one.

Once everyone was inside the treehouse, Derek rolled up the ladder so that no one would come in while the four of us were asleep. The boys rolled out their sleeping bags while set up my own. I slipped off my boots and crawled into the sleeping bag. I stuffed my bag underneath my head so that I was comfortable for the night.

Before succumbing to the pull of sleep, I heard faint goodnights from both Atticus and Kairi while all I got from Derek was loud snores. I quietly wished them a good sleep before closing my eyes and my mind, feeling myself fall into a peaceful darkness.

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