One way to say I love You - Toge Inumaki

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Summary: Toge has a weird habit and won't tell you what it means.

Word count: 797

A/N: Just a little thing I wrote to help with my writer's block. Big thanks to Jordie for letting me use her idea for this piece. I hope you enjoy and have a good day. MDNI with any of my work even if it's sfw.

Dating Toge has been amazing. You might think that his limited vocabulary makes it difficult to communicate but it doesn't. We've come up with our own type of communication. It's a mix of sign language and our own jesters that no one else understands. Though there is one thing he recently started doing that I can't get him to explain.

At the most random times he sticks his tongue out at me. It's adorable but I don't understand why. He refuses to tell me as well no matter how many times I ask him about it. He'll just shrug, and walk away. If we're in class he'll tap my shoulder and when I look at him he will unzip his collar, and just stick his tongue out at me.

The weirdest time was we had just finished a small mission we had been sent on. We were both slightly bruised because the curse was stronger than expected and we were waiting for our ride to pick us up. He nudged my shoulder and when I looked at him he was just sticking his tongue out like it was the most normal thing in the world.

As I opened my mouth to ask again why he kept doing that, a car pulled up and the driver ushered us in. Breaking my train of thought. Toge just smiled at me, zipped his collar and climbed into the car. I sighed climbing in as well, thinking about how I can figure out the meaning behind the seemingly random jester.

A few weeks have gone by since Toge started sticking his tongue out randomly and it's driving me crazy. I can't figure it out and now our friends have picked up on it as well. I'm now more determined than ever to figure out why he's doing it.

With today being one of the few days we got off from training and studying I figured I could probably corner him, and make him tell me. After we had breakfast with our friends, we ended up going to his room to relax. When we got to his room he immediately took off his jacket and collar leaving him in just a T-shirt. His adorable markings on full display. Sensing my gaze he looked me dead in the eyes and stuck his tongue out for just a second before laying down on his bed.

I rolled my eyes, before asking a question that seems almost futile at this point. "Why do you always do that?"

Toge just smiled at me, said "bonito flakes" meaning he's not going to tell me and then made grabby hands at me. Motioning for me to lay down with him.

So here we are about thirty minutes later. I was leaning against the head of the bed with his head in my lap. I was just running my fingers through his soft hair. He was so relaxed, slow breathing and his eyes closed so I figured he was sleeping.

Lost in the thoughts of how much I love this little dork. I realized I wouldn't want to be in this position with anyone else. Without thinking too much about it I let the words slip out. "I love you, Toge." It was quiet so I didn't think he would hear me. But when I looked into my favorite pair of violet eyes I knew he heard me.

I stumbled over my thoughts trying to think of a good lie to cover it up, not wanting to scare him away. But then I realized he had sat up and had once again stuck his tongue out at me. I was no longer embarrassed but completely confused as to why?

"Toge, why are you sticking your tongue out at me, I just said I love you, and you stick your..... oh." It finally struck what he meant when he would do that. I blushed as I pieced it together. "Wait have you been saying... this whole time?" I asked, trying to confirm my suspicion.

He nodded with a bright smile and a quiet whisper of 'yeah'. It was rare for him to stray from his rice ball ingredients but when he did it made me so happy. And in this moment it proved he was telling the truth, as he doesn't do that around anyone else. Not even Yuta one of our closest friends.

I returned the smile before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on each cursed seal on his cheeks before giving him a peck on the lips. He smiled and returned the kiss.

When we separated we both moved to be laying down silently agreeing that it was time for a nap. We cuddled up to each other and quickly drifted off to a peaceful sleep. 

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