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Twenty seven years have passed since Joseph's birth, and he was still being treated differently. He knew it had something to do with the fact that his abilities haven't awakened. He wanted to say, he wanted to think that maybe he'd attain them soon.

But he already lost hope. Years ago.

Overhearing his own Mother speaking about how disappointed and ashamed she was, that the last born hasn't gotten his abilities yet was something terrible to hear. Maybe he was a late bloomer, his father told his Mother, but she refused to believe him. She too, had lost hope.

Soon enough, he left his Family's home. He lived in a house in Cryptma, that was built in 1854, and a house that apparently had a strange story to it. But Joseph didn't pay any mind to it, as long as he was away from his Family. Although, they were only a few hours away from each other. But during those hours, Joseph cried, and cried, and cried.

Of course he cried. This was a very big deal, and he felt horrible and left out. But what he felt the most was, useless.

The Howell's, his mother's side, are notoriously known in the Psychic world, for their powerful and useful psychic abilities. This family consists of people who have the Clair abilities. Some in the family work using their abilities to help others and predict things. Some don't, and just live their lives with the help of their abilities.

Joseph's mother, aunt, and grandmother work in Fortune telling shops.

Sarah Howell, Or Sarah Guerrero Howell, named that after she married the Father of Joseph, is a powerful Clairaudient and Clairvoyant, and she's only fifty three. Her other Clair abilities are dormant, but her children inherited both her dormant and awakened abilities.

His older Sister, Josephine Guerrero Howell who's thirty one years old, has Clairaudience and Clairvoyance. She also has Clairsentience, but it isn't as developed as her other abilities. She's the perfect Child.

Josephine doesn't hate Joseph, or rather, she refuses to admit her annoyance towards her little brother. Although that could be because he nags about the fact that no one cares about him, because he doesn't have any abilities. It's the truth, but it seems like Josephine tries to make herself seem Innocent.

She's married to a simple man. Thirty two year old Leo Anderson Howell who owns a company that sells clothes and shoes.

Joseph's Older Brother, José Guerrero Howell who's twenty nine years old. He has developed Clairalience and Clairsentience, and undeveloped clairgustance. From his father's side, he's able to reanimate the dead but summoning them is already a lot of work. He isn't able to resurrect them and he doesn't have full control over them since his ability to do so, isn't too strong.

There's different types of Clair abilities. These are all,

Clairvoyance: clear seeing, see the future/predict, see the past. Gain info from visions/dreams about places, people, Spirits/orbs. Colors and flashes of light.

Clairaudience: hear spirits or other things that cannot be heard. Hear thoughts too of spirits or others (it sounds like your own voice but it isn't your voice or thoughts.) Sounds can also be a warning so pay attention to the words.

Clairsentience: be able to pick up people's energy or spirits energy and know who it is or what it is. This is commonly described as 'gut feeling' or intuition. You have the ability to sense and feel emotions from spirit both positive and negative. You can receive warnings this way as in feeling that something is not right or get an excited, elated feeling when something wonderful is about to happen. Feeling pain, or sick because someone else felt that way, was one of the down sides.

Claircognizance: know things without seeing, feeling, hearing it! Knowing the outcome of a situation that is about to happen. It feels like deja Vu. Gut feeling. Know when someone's evil or about to do something evil.

can smell their way into a situation. Defined as 'clear smelling,' this Clair sense allows one to invoke memory, emotion, and even see the future based on a smell that one takes in through the senses.
Just one whiff and a person with clairalience might know about an event based in the future that is going to involve the same smell. It can be related to the spirit who is sending the message such as smelling cigarettes or pipe tobacco for someone who smoked.

Clairgustance: able to experience the physical sensation of taste quite randomly without anything entering into their mouth. Can be used to predict something. Spirit can transfer a character or behaviour influence to us and sometimes it comes in the form of a flavour. This is usually something that they loved while they were in the body.

Clairempathy: Empathic mediums sense or feel emotions from individuals or spirits. You have the ability to access other people's emotions and can sense their emotions.

Clairtangency: Touch or feeling: This is also known as Psychometry. You are able to receive a message by touching or holding an object or person in your hands. see, as visions, the past, future or present of the person or object. Be able to see whatever you want about that person or object.

Some of the Howell's have either all of those abilities, a few, or even two.

And, Of course,

Alejandro Guerrero, the father of Joseph and the husband of Sarah. He's fifty four, and a very skilled necromancer. His father (Pablo Guerrero) has the full abilities of necromancy. His family members married ordinary people (people who don't have abilities, but the kids got a few.)

The Guerrero's, Notoriously known for being necromancers and practicing necromancy. Some of the family members have the ability to be able to be a necromancer. Some only practice it! Joseph's father has a few abilities as a necromancer, but some practiced it from a very young age. The grandfather of Joseph has the ability to resurrect dead people as well as control them.

They can also do spells, and practice black magic.

Necromancers are able to, Commune with the dead. Pull life from an enemy. Disrupt/Hamper the soul. Entwine someone's soul with an evil spirit (any sort of curse). Channel their own life for more power. Channel life force into allies. Swap Souls / Dominate, and are able to have out of body experiences.

Now you can imagine how Joseph felt.

A few weeks passed, and Joseph got a job in a bookshop that was nearby. It wasn't much but with the money that his parents had given him, he was able to live comfortably.

Well, not really that comfortable knowing that his siblings hesitated when thinking about meeting him.

No one wants to be seen with the Failure of the Family.

But Joseph wasn't a Failure, at least, the house would make sure of that.

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