25. The store; Elmer.

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Feelings; Clairempathy.
Hearing; Clairaudience.

I flew out of the Forest, my back slamming against the floor. I grunted in Pain, but, I could feel myself understandanding Marie even more. That still doesn't justify her actions, but, it does make me realize that she was the one watching Sebastian and I, along with the young Man. I think.

The Forest disappeared, now, there was a white light that replaced it. My eyes landed on the Store. I sighed, "..What am I getting myself into?" Yet I still walked towards the store.

The department store was questionably calm.

A soothing classical type of music, played on the speaks throughout each Aisle. Looking down, I notice that my clothes are different, more.. Fitting to the 19th Century.

I walked slowly and hesitantly, I wasn't sure where I was going, or what was going on in here. Soon, I noticed that something was very wrong with this store.

Every person that was shopping here, kept looking around. Some hid, and a few people would enter doors that appeared out of nowhere. A black fluid stained the walls, and the ground. I furrowed my eyebrows, confusion etched into my face, and paranoia consumed me.

This feeling again. I don't feel safe, although, by the looks of it, I'm sure no one feels safe either. Then, suddenly, someone walked out of a door.

The young Male had Auburn short hair with bangs. His eyes were brown. He had a facial combo I rarely see, babyface, his Roman nose, and sharp ears stood out to me. He scowled at everyone, rolling his eyes when someone walked past him hurriedly.

Somehow, I knew that, that was the young Male. His eyes landed on mine, but how? I thought I was just a Spirit here.. I gulped out of fear, my heart jumping rapidly when he started to walk towards me. Shit..

I widened my eyes when he strutted through me. Turning around, I see him strut towards the counter. He knows the Woman who works here? I sighed relieved.

A loud creaking sound resonates within the Store, I whipped my head around slowly, staring at the door that was opening by itself. As the door opened, the black substance spread out even more on the floor inside the room. The door widened even further, a black stained tub could be seen. Long Red hair draped over the Tub, I inspected the woman that was sitting in the top. Her face was on her knees, and I paused when she started to slowly lift her head.

She was faceless as she, I presumed, stared at me. Her nails were long, and she looked extremely bony. Almost like.. Marie. Soon, her skin started to crack, her once pale body was now shining brighter, her skin color no longer looked dry and ashy.

I blinked, and let out a sudden short but loud yelp, when a wide messed up grin is plastered on her face. I shake my head, closing my eyes. When I opened my eyes after a few seconds, she stands before me, and I immediately stepped back, without breaking my eye contact with the faceless woman. But as I stepped back, she disappeared for a split second, and appeared an inch forward.

"AAH!" I screamed, tripping due to my startled jump. I fell flat on my butt, my chest heaving up and down, as I tried to calm myself down. I was so sick and tired of this games, and I wanted to wake up already, but.. I had to patient, and I had to get used to these things.

I got up on my feet pretty quickly, I fixed my hair, and dusted myself off. I turned around to see if the young Man was still there, the faceless woman was there though. She stood behind the young male who was happily conversing with the Woman behind the counter. I could see the woman's aura, overcoming my surprise, I grinned widely when I realized that I never was able to do that with my abilities.

It must mean that I'm making progress! Clearing my throat, I still couldn't contain my happiness. But, luckily, I managed to walk over to the counter, stopping just behind the Woman. I wasn't too close to her, but I was close enough to understand what she was feeling.

Her Aura was a mix of strong red and green. Feeling confident, I reached out my hand, and placed a hand on her shoulder. The colors became brighter, and they spread out more. My reality was now red, and green. I was in her World. Staring at the young male, I felt enviousness, sadness, and Agony. I knew those emotions weren't mine; I wasn't stupid.

"..Marie.." I whispered almost out of control. It made sense that it was her, but it didn't make sense that Marie was here? Wasn't this about the Young Man, and only him? Going into the Forest must've triggered something. Although, she feels this way towards the Man, because of his relationship with her friend, her love, and her husband.

The woman behind the counter, her voice got louder, more distinguishable. "Elmer? Are you sure what you're doing is right?"

The young Male, Elmer, rolled his eyes, smirking teasingly. "..Why would it not be? It's not a big deal! He's handsome, rich-"

"Twenty nine years old, and taken," The beautiful Woman behind the counter retorts. "What would you do if his wife found out, huh? I am concerned about you.. This won't end well."

Sebastian was Twenty nine...? How old was this young man? Aside from that, Sebastian told me that they were together for six years, so.. He died when he was thirty five? And I'm twenty seven...

Elmer sighed exasperated. "She won't. Even if she does, it was expected. Men do this all the time, it is nothing personal."

The Woman was very concerned for her, rightfully so. If Elmer knew that this would cost his life... I'm sure he wouldn't be disregarding this matter like this. Marie clenched her hand that was on gripping his shoulder, but Elmer didn't realize what was going on.

I blacked out for a split second, and I was no longer in the store. Elmer was kneeled down on the floor, he cleaned the floor, looking sweaty and dirty. He wore an attire similar to that of a Servant's. Someone called for him, he immediately stood up, and ran to the voice. "Coming, Sir!"

Was he a Servant? My heart clenched, was he using Sebastian, because he was handsome, and rich?

Anger rised in me, and I clicked my tongue. Elmer ran to a Man sitting in front of a desk, "Bring me tea," The Man said, and Elmer replied right away. "Yes, Sir!"

He bolted out of the door immediately.

In the kitchen, he exhaled, with his back pressed against the door, he slid down. My ears twitched, I could hear his heart.. Every little breath intakes, and hear his thoughts. They were too loud and overwhelming, along with his feelings.

If Sebastian gave me enough money... I would no longer have to work for this disgusting Man. I might even be able to stay with Sebastian for a while longer, as long as his supposed wife, doesn't have a problem with that. He thought,

And I felt annoyance rise in me. Was he using Sebastian or not?

Although, that supposed wife, was his friend. Nothing more, and sadly nothing less. He bit his lower lip, envious of their marriage.

Elmer smiled, I'm only twenty years.. I should be married or.. I should have a job, loving and caring people around me. Yet, I have to work, because I wasn't blessed enough. It's a good thing I spoke to Sebastian,

In the Club.

With that, my body launched backwards.

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