41. Farewell.

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José spoke with Harry, giving Sebastian and I time to speak to his daughter.

My hand was pressed against Marie's stomach that was now warm due to the energy I transferred. Sebastian caressed her stomach, his other hand on Marie's forehead, making sure she knew that he had no Ill intentions. He was honestly so kind to her.

"..Hey.." He began. Confidently, he greeted his baby daughter again. "Hello, sweetheart. Have you missed me? I have missed you as well. Oh.. If only you were here, although, that would be possible.." He glanced at me, and I smiled warmly at him.

Sebastian winked at Marie's stomach. "..But, I have to do as you say.." His eyes shimmered with tears, and he forced himself to seem strong. ".. You told me to forgive myself, and I will.. For you. For myself, and for my lover. I will never forget you, but I have to let you go..

I will see you later."

Bringing Marie's body back to the Graveyard was very challenging. Suspicious looks were given to us, but it didn't matter because we were done.

Once again, Lila stood in front of my house, after I helped José, harry, Micheal, and Sebastian bring Marie's body back to her grave. Sebastian waved politely at her, Lila simply smiled back shortly.

I grinned happily, expecting that she wouldn't return ever again. "..You came back?"

She nodded, "..Mh. I can't let a good friendship go down the drain, but you have a lot of explaining to do!" She raised her index and pointed it at me in a scolding manner. I hummed, "Of course!"

Oh! I saw a car parked by the side of the house, hidden from plain sight. Purposely done so, I presume.

I brought it up. "You told Richie?"

Her lips was in a thin line, "Yeah.. I'm sorry!"

I shook my head. "It's not a big deal, I haven't seen him in a very long time. How has he been?"

"I've been great, nice to hear and see that you still care." A smooth voice answered. A tall shadow loomed over me—Richie. He smirked widely. "..'That your Loverboy?"

My face reddened, and instinctively, my hand reached back to hold Sebastian's, who tightly squeezed mine in return. "..Sebastian shaw, Sebastian, Richie Havens."

Did Richie's blond hair always look bright? Without a trace of brown strands? His eyes were brown as he stared down at me. Of course he was— Richie was the tallest amongst the people that are now present. He was thirty one and a lawyer.

A lawyer..

That's true, Sebastian might need a lawyer soon.

Sebastian used his other hand to shake Richie's. "Pleased to meet you."

Richie nodded appreciatively, "Likewise." His eyes squinted at me questionable when I glanced from left to right, wondering if I just bring up the issue I had yet to solve. "Why do I get the feeling that you need my help, Joseph?"

I shrugged, hesitantly saying. "Maybe... because I do..?"

He winked at me. "No worries, whatever you need— Just name it."

I smiled at him.

"I'm finished."

Micheal needed an entire day, which was understandable, to print many papers of the case file of Sebastian Shaw. The Boss of Micheal was nagging and questioning everyone if they knew or had seen who took the files. So we has to hurry up, it was now or never.

Harry, José, Lila, Richie, Micheal, and I all got a few papers to throw, hang, and give around town.

Eventually, everyone would find out. The Police wouldn't be able to do much about that. Sebastian was practically gushing with delightfulness, and happiness.

"I can start a new life!" He shouted as he ran across the room. I was so overjoyed for him, finally, something was going great for him.

Micheal and the rest have already spread the papers across the town. It was my turn now, but before I could exit and close the door, I was surprised seeing my Parents on my Porch.

I confusingly furrowed my eyebrows and slowly said. "..What.. Mother, Father?"

Mother wore a red dress paired with a black winter coat. Her lips were coated in red lipstick that was eye-catching, her black pixie hair was nearly combed. She wore long black heel boots. Father, on the other hand, his hair was slicked back, he wore a brown coat, and beige pants. His shoes were polished, black, and pointy. "May we come in for some tea?" Father asked hopefully.

For some reason, I couldn't say no. They already made the FIRST effort to even come visit me, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in what they had to say about their actions.

We sat in front of the fireplace, awkwardly sipping out tea. I waited for one of them to speak up, or I would grab my things, and leave them here. I couldn't really careless. As if he heard my thoughts, Father fumbled out an apology. "..I'm ashamed. We are. And most importantly, we are deeply sorry. The events have made me— us realize that we have ignored your needs, pinned you children against each other."

Mother's hands were on her knees as she sat sweetly and elegantly. She looked down, her voice was low and ashamed. "..We have no excuses or reasons. We were, simply as you said, Pathetic. And... I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us, no matter how long it takes, we will wait. But I beg you,"

She went down on her knees, eyes filled with tears on the brim of running down her face. "I beg.. Please, forgive us."

I contemplated, although, what was there to contemplate? Yes, they caused me pain. Ruined my siblings, our relationship, but things were now going great for me. Josephine had a point—I needed to move on from the past, I have someone who loves me now, people who support me, and after all of this, my Lover will be both free and happy.

There was no point in holding grudges, they've stayed out of my way until now, and I can see that they are trying.

Forgive and forget.

I stood up, picking my things. Walking towards my Mother, I bend down slightly to aid her in standing up, she shockingly stared up at me, her tears ran down her face. "..Joseph?"

I sighed. "..It isn't okay. But, I believe you've learned from your mistakes. I.. forgive the both of y-you.." I blushed furiously when she hugged me tightly, sobbing and apologizing against my chest, my father did the same.

I wasn't used to this. A kiss was placed on my cheek, another on my forehead. My hair was messed with, and my clothes were stained with wet tears and snot.

Should I regret my decision?


Nonetheless, my partner was going to be free from a hurtful reputation, so nothing could make me feel negative emotions.

I smiled at them, "Make yourself at home, I have a few things to do, when I come back, I will explain it all. José will join us."

I stood in the center of the road. Cars were stopped so the drivers and passengers could step out to pick up the papers, reading the documents with interested faces.

It was over, at last.

But, there was still a few things to do.

Other than that, my Lover was free. From a stained Reputation.

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