3. Watchful eyes.

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I escorted the kind lady out, and sat on my couch as I pondered about what she told me.

The lady only told me what she suspected, her son works for the police, and that was the only theory they had.

A part of me felt uneasy, and the other part felt excitement. The uneasiness came due to my fear towards the Unknown, or rather, the dead. I felt excited because what if.. Something does happen, and I get my abilities? I wasn't sure about that but I wanted to believe that so badly.

Now that I'm away from my family, maybe, just maybe, I might figure out what I can do. If that isn't the case, then I have no choice but to accept that I'm not like my family.

Lila called me an hour ago, and she made sure to ask me if I was Alright. Since I practically had nothing to do, I asked her if she could meet up with me in the weekends. Richie joined in the call a few minutes later, and he was more than happy to spend some time with me. For once, my life was going seemingly smooth.

My skin breaks out in goosebumps when coldness spreads throughout my body. I whip my head around when I catch a shadow moving with my Peripheral view. My mouth widens when I clearly spot a pair of eyes watching me, I'm more alarmed, and definitely frightened by the pair of cold, and distant grey eyes. I stand up slowly, stepping back in disbelief. My breath quickens, and my fingers subconsciously reach out to the switch right next to me. The lights are on, and the eyes are no longer there.

Why did I ever decide to live here? It was cheap, yes, but after hearing the story behind this House, I wish I chose another place!

Eventually, after calming myself down, I count to three, turn the lights off, and sprint upstairs, heading towards my room. I slam my door shut. Taking a few deep breaths, I hear something weird. I'm breathing normally, and yet it sounds like I'm breathing quickly. That's when it hits me, as my breathing slows down and quiets down, I come to the conclusion that..

Someone is breathing behind me.

Unsure if this was a smart move, I walk backwards, not turning around to see if anyone was there. My back hits my desk, and I don't see anyone. Mustering up my courage, I turn my head to stare out the Window, and find myself making eye contact with a Man. His eyes are grey and distant, hair overgrown, pitch black, and curly. Skin unnaturally pale.

I scream in fear, my heart thumps even heavily. I lose my footing, and my hands meet the floor. As soon as my hands meet the floor, I gasp as my reality changes. Memories I never had flood through my mind, I see a Man.. The same man with black hair, and a woman.. A redheaded Woman. They are screaming, and then..

A body.

Dead eyes bore into my Soul, and I shriek even louder. I scramble to my feet and onto my bed. My face is pressed against my soft pillow as it drowns my heavy breathing. I glance up when I hear the phone ring from downstairs. I'm afraid to go downstairs, I'm sure it couldn't be Lila because she called a few hours ago, and.. Maybe it could be my Father? He likes to check up on me every day.

I hold my breath as I stand up and walk downstairs. I turn on the lights, and try to push away the conclusions I come up with due to the fact that's it's unusually cold. A part of me doubts the fact that I may or may not have any abilities.

I pick up the phone, "..Hello? Who is this?" My voice is quiet and tired. I recognize my Father's voice, and I immediately wipe my tears. "Joseph? What's wrong, have you been crying? Can you tell me what's wrong?"

I was only crying out of fear. Only out of fear. I clear my throat. "..The house.. An Old lady told me about it's history, after that.. I.. I think I saw something." My father stays silent. 

He lowly questions me, repeating my words. "..You saw something, what?"

I exhale, "I think I saw eyes.. I went upstairs, and I-I heard breathing behind me. When I turned around, A man.. The same Man that lived here years ago.. I fell, and I touched the floor, and then.. Visions, I saw him, a woman.. Father, they were the people who lived here.. Y-years ago."

He exhales breathlessly. "I'm coming to pick you."

When my Father picked me, I rested my head against the window, and hyperventilated the entire time in fear. Did Josephine feel this way, when she first started to use her abilities? Or.. Did I imagine everything because I was so afraid?

I felt even more anxious just thinking about my Family's faces.

Father caressed my forehead as soon as I made it back to the Family's house. I knew I looked totally out of it by the concern evident on his face. A tear slipped out of my eye, and ran down my face. He wiped my tear, and opened the door to his side. Stepping out of the car, he closes the door and rushes over to my side.

He helped me stand, I leaned against his shoulder as he guided me towards the front door.

And, that night, I slept better than all the previous nights. Possibly because Father's concern warmed my heart. Because I had hope, that someone genuinely cared for me.

I woke up that morning to a rather proper breakfast. I rubbed my tired eyes as my Father set the tray of food on the blanket. I sent him a lazy smile, while he pulled a chair right next to me, and made himself comfortable.

He watches me take a bite of the warm toast that has butter plastered on it. "How do you feel today, Joseph?" I wanted to cry when he stuck to my name instead of an endearing title such as Son. He calls José that, why not me?

Sighing at my own foolish thoughts, I answer politely. "Better. Thank you... Father." He frowned at the pause, as if he knew I was certain as to how I should address him.

I bite my lip uncertainly. "..Did you tell everyone?" He nods at that. I groan, "But I'm not sure if.. What if I imagine it all?"

He crosses his arms, and states rather confidently. "Those are the signs. I know I'm right," I make him worried with my pessimism. "And if you aren't?"

He smiles. "Then you'll just stay here until you feel better."

Over my dead body.

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