32. Deal with the Dead.

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• Do not read at night, if easily afraid. I wrote this at night, help.

Mother screamed, she fell onto her knees. Begging and pleading, fists banging on the floor, anything to get me to change my mind. But I knew that I wouldn't. It wouldn't make a difference anyways, most of the time I didn't feel like I was apart of the family. Like I was worthy of the last name. This was good,

But why did I feel sad when I stared into José eyes. He was always stoic, and I was always unable to decipher the meaning behind his expressions. But now, as if that facade had shattered, he looked dejected, his head shook slightly, side to side, as if begging me to say it was all a joke. But it wasn't.

Sir Bannarasee along with my Grandparents were the only ones who looked proud. Although, Grandma Ruth looked hopeful, as if she was already thinking about me still visiting from time to time. But, I wasn't gonna come back to the Family house, ever again. If anything, I would rather visit them privately.

So this wouldn't be the last some of them saw me.

My eyes found Sebastian's, who had a scary expression. With a wide messed up grin, and unusually big eyes. The ends of his lips had slits, as if cut. And his head was tilted to the right, when he caught on the fact that I was looking at him rather disturbed. His head reverted back to a straight pose, face now composed.

My heart dropped in my stomach, what... Was that?

I looking at him for comfort, and he immediately stepped towards me, wrapping his arm around me, he walked me out. I mouthed to Grandpa, "I will visit you." He closed his eyes and smiled in acknowledgement.

He was doing it again, Sebastian, the smiling thingy when he thought I wasn't looking, so I made sure to stare at him at all times. It was honestly making me afraid, I wasn't sure why he was doing that. But then, a thought itched at the back of my mind, he isn't fully dead, nor fully alive. All I am doing, is giving him energy.

I need to resurrect him fully, otherwise.... I thought as I looked at his creepy face, something bad would or was already happening.

But how, kisses aren't enough, we've... Done that in a dream, but it sure did give him a lot of energy. The more energy I give him, the more he'll feel alive, right? Sebastian said that his love for me, makes him feel a certain way. Either I have to show him I really do love him, or.. We might have to do something more than kisses. I wasn't sure if he'd be comfortable with something like that, and if it would ruin our relationship.. But, maybe..

Just maybe, it could be the thing that helps us both.

"Sebastian?" He doesn't respond.

"Do you want to live?" He stepped forward.

"..Sebastian?" The cold glint in his eyes returned, making me more afraid at the glint, than at his strange smile.

"..Do you love me?" He said nothing, he stepped forward. And his steps quickened, and continued as I made the attempt to scurry away. He let out an inhumane scream, and I ran to the living room.

I turned around, making eye contact with the thing. "..I demand..." It laughed, eyes not blinking or moving away from me. "...I demand.. YOU LEAVE MY LOVER ALONE!!!!"

it didn't budge.


It screeched, arms moving up to grab me, but I held my hand up, and commanded. "STOP!" It stopped, hands flaying around helplessly. It tried to get me, but a force, me, refrained it from doing any harm to me. I was controlling.. The dead?

Feeling confident, I smirked while making more demands. "You WILL leave, now!!"

"And why should WE listen to you?" It talked back.

"Let us make a deal," I stupidly said, but I was sure that it wouldn't come back and bite me in the ass.

Never make deals with the dead.

"Oh?" It sneered. "And here we thought you were smart."

"I can be," I smiled not so sweetly, "And I will be. Deal or no?"

"What is it?" It asked, curiously as it struggled to get me.

I proposed, "..If I don't manage to fully resurrect him in twenty four hours, he is yours. But if I manage to resurrect him, he WILL be mine, and you shall leave and never return."

That should be enough for sex, right?

"Those are two Proposal's." It attempted to sound smart, even snorting. Too confident in itself.

"Will you accept?" I asked impatiently. My hand still outstretched.

It took a long time to respond, but when it did, "Deal." It gasped, eyes white and wide, black veins protruding in it's face, a black substance escaped out of its mouth. And Sebastian's body dropped on the floor.

Carefully, I approached him. He gasped, and coughed, "..Those Bastards.."

I exhaled, dropping my hand down. "..I-is it you?"

Seeming Alarmed, I asked carefully. "..What do you always call me?"

Confused, he raised an eyebrow. "..Buttercup."

I sighed, "Alright, it is you.."

He stood up with my help, dusting himself off, he caressed my face. "Are you alright?" I nodded, he checked my body. Turning me around, twisting my hands, even going as far to tug on my collar to inspect if I have any bruises or cuts. "Did it hurt you?"

I shook my head, "No.. I stopped it. Using necromancy, I presume." He smiled proudly, "That's good.. But, something is wrong, right? I couldnt help but pick up something about... A proposal?"

I curse under my breath, blushing furiously. I step away from Sebastian, giving me space to breath. "..I made a deal with the dead, with the things that were inside of you,"

He was about to scold me, I held up my hand, stopping him. "I have to resurrect you in under twenty four hours, or else, your soul belongs back to the dead."

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