29. In control of my life.

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December 2.

"There, there.." He patted my head as I cried, face buried in his chest.

I stammered, trying to explain how I felt, and why it was like this. But I knew that there was no point. So instead, I stayed silent, as Sebastian spoke.

"..You know, I feel something, deep inside of me."

When he laughed, his chest vibrated. "Warmth, and reassurance. I suppose you could say that, I've moved on."

I lifted my head up, chin against his chest, eyes all puffy and red. "..Moved on?"

His head turned down, he gazed at me, and that gaze was different. "Yes. My past doesn't bother me as much as it did before."

Our hands were clasped together. Before, I would wonder about how cold he was, how dry, no life detected in him. But now, he is soft, full of Love and warmth, plus, I could see the Happiness, and life in those eyes that were once cold and distant.

"Although, I miss my daughter, I know that she's in a safe place. Marie.." His face didn't darken when he spoke of her, and somehow, I found myself to be glad about that. "..She was angry, afraid, and misunderstood everything I said. If I had just elaborated on what I meant, that wouldn't have happened."

He puffed out a relieved smile. "But, if I had done so, then I wouldn't have met you. So I'm delighted."

He pressed a few pecks on my lips, and I knew that he would get addicted to doing so. We hugged in a comfortable silence, but the thought rose in my mind, and I knew that I had to ask him.

"Sebastian?" He hummed, his hand tracing what seemed like hearts on my lower back as he placed multiple kisses on my head.

"I hope you know that I l-love you too.. And for that, I want you to meet my family." He coughed, shocked by my words.

He hadn't expected me to return those words back to him, but I wanted to say it, before he thought that since I didn't return the words, that I didn't love him. Was it too soon for him to meet my family? I think it's perfect!

Again, he kissed me intensively, I gasped when his lips touched mine again. "Is that a yes?"

He bit his lower lip, his cheeks were flushed, not like him at all. "..Now what happened to Joseph?"

I chuckled embarrassingly, "Crazy things happen when I'm with you."

He laughed heartily, "Obviously! It's a yes, don't worry."

I didn't have to explain why I confessed all of a sudden, because he knew of it. After all, our souls were tied.

December 1.
Around 8.

I paced around anxiously in front of the Family house. I wasn't sure if I would regret this, but I loved him. Sebastian, I did.

And I was Damm confused. Was I sure this was love I was feeling? Would it subside someday? Hopefully not, I really do love him.

As if on cue, Sebastian grabbed my arm to stop me from pacing, he pulled me towards his chest, and pressed a chaste kiss on my forehead, before nuzzling my neck. "..Quit thinking, buttercup. It'll be fine.."

"I'm just confused.. A-and what if they try to take you away from you? Or try to baby me again..?"

He let me speak my worries, before whispering soothing words in my ear. "We'll figure it out, we will. And I won't let them.. I'm not letting you go, I won't."

I blushed, calmer than I was before. "..O-okay."

The door opened, and yet, I didn't care if they saw me embracing Sebastian. I was done caring about what they thought of me. Since the day I made the decision to tell José, I was done.

I stepped away from Sebastian slowly, turning to face the Woman I hated the most— Sonja Howell, my mother's sister. I hated her with such passion! But, it was only because she was rude, strict, and very judgemental.

She crossed her arms, and sent us a disgusted, suspicious look. "Ah— And who is this?"

I glanced at Sebastian, unsure on how to respond. Our status wasn't exactly... Clear.

He took my hand in his, and I couldn't stop myself from gazing at our hands. Sonja's eyes widened slightly, her usually stoic face was filled with disbelief and hesitation.

Sebastian firmly demanded, while scowling at her. "Sebastian Shaw. We would like to speak to all of you."

It was awkward. Very awkward. My Mother glared at me, Grandma smiles giddily at Sebastian, who returned a sheepish smile. My Father kept his eyes trained on me, a relieved but afraid glint in his eyes. He knew of Sebastian, I mean, he met Sebastian. So I assume he was alright with this.

Josephine clearly couldn't put up with the fact that I hid this from her. But she had to accept it.

My hand trembles on top of my knee, finally, as if hearing my prayers, Grandpa Pablo broke the silence. He seemed like he was angry, but impressed. "Alright, that's enough."

I wasn't used to this side of Grandpa. But I could understand that he was angry at me, angry because I kept something like this from him.

"..Joseph, when did you resurrect him?" He asked seriously.

I held my trembling hand tightly, answering firmly, whilst hoping they do not catch the quiver of my voice. "31st of October, but then it was a little after 12 when he fully gained consciousness."

Sonja scoffed, glaring at both Sebastian and I.

"What were you doing in the graveyard on an unholy day?" She asked suspiciously. She didn't believe that I accidentally resurrected someone.

I sighed annoyed. "I was making sure a few youngsters didn't mess up the Tombstones. I heard in town that it was common."

"Ah," she raised an eyebrow, "Anything else?"

I nodded, "They tampered with his Tombstone, so I cleaned it. That's when I must've resurrecting, after I made a prayer."

Grandpa inquired with squinted eyes focused solely on Sebastian. "Did you touch the grave whilst praying?"

I stayed silent but that was already a loud enough answer.

Josephine let out a stressed out breath, she threw her hands around as she scolded me. "You're so insistent about doing things your way, and now look what happened! You haven't found a solution yet, have you? What are you going to do with him, are you going to—"

"Shut it." I cut her off harshly, Sebastian's eyes widened slightly, shocked at how my personality changed around my family. "What I will do from now on, has nothing to do with you. I resurrected him, so it's my choice what I do next. Whether it's wrong or right, it has nothing to do with you."

I face my mother, I made up my mind earlier, and it was time to make a few changes. "I no longer need your assistance with my abilities." She didn't say anything, she stayed silent.

Her eyes glazed over me, sullen and regret. Good.

I moved my stare towards Grandpa, smiling at him politely and sweetly. "Although, I am in need of your Assistance. Do you think that'd be possible?"

He returned the smile, "Of course, my child."

I looked at José with a knowing stare, and he immediately understand what I meant. He closed his eyes, puffing out a smile.

"Alright, I will be taking my leave."

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