1. The Initiation.

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Joseph's pov

After twenty seven years of enduring all of the Mistreatment, the studies, the neglect, and especially, the disappointed expression on my family's faces, I get to leave. I couldn't have been more happier, but I knew that I couldn't leave just like that.

My father wanted to have one last talk with me, with my siblings, and.. Mother.

I walk up the stairs, my eyes never leaving the door that I was slowly approaching. Both my hands slammed against the door, opening it, and causing my family members to stare at me. My eyes glued themselves into my Older brother's dark green eyes, but I decided to sit away from him.

Even if we sat together, he wouldn't dare to look at me. It wasn't that I had a terrible relationship with him, it was just that we had nothing to talk about. All my siblings would talk about, was about their abilities. And as you know, I have none. Maybe they did not want to put me in an uncomfortable situation.

José's features were a tad bit different than Josephine's and mine. His pitch black curls were loose, and he recently got side bangs. His eyes were the darkest shade of green, and yet you could see the emotions in them. His straight nose was just like Father's, the color of his hair was just like Mother, and his eyes resembled Father's. His skin was lighter than Josephine's and mine.

Josephine, the oldest, has a few features from Father and Mother. Her dark brown, but curly hair stopped above her butt. Her eyes were hazel, complimenting her tan skin, and her nose was upturned, just like Mother's. Her lips were round and plump.

I would be lying if I ever said that I've never felt.. Basic, compared to what they both were. Being Basic wasn't a bad thing! But, they had abilities, and they could do so much with them! And I had nothing.

I sighed. Mother's hazel eyes were glued onto my face even when I avoided her stare. She recently cut her hair, now she had a black pixie cut. I had the same mole as her right next to my upper lip. She says with a disappointed tone. "A week ago, You told your Father and I that you would be leaving, correct?"

I nod. She furrows her eyebrows, I can't see any concern evident on her face. It's almost as if... She's glad I'll no longer be associated with this family. "Why?"

I scoff. "Please, don't make me laugh. With all due respect, Mother, you've been complaining about how much of a disappointment I am! You're ashamed, embarrassed, and-and my siblings won't even look at me!!!"

I bite my lower lip that was quivering, tears threaten to run down my face as I force out. "I'm locked in my room, studying Necromancy and what not! As if that'll magically give me abilities, or unlock my abilities.. If I even have them." I mutter the last part.

I cross my arms, and roll my eyes when my Mother pretends like she hasn't been neglecting me. "That's not true, we've been caring for you since you were a little baby! Why are you acting as if we've never been there for you?"

Father opens his mouth to say something, but he stops himself and looks at me with a sad, and pleading stare. His downtured green eyes lost it's shine. I looked more like my Father, his brown wavy hair was slicked back, and his nose was straight.

I slam my hands on the table, and stand up. "I'm not gonna answer that stupid question, because we both know that you haven't been a great Mother!"

I point an accusing finger at her. "How is, forcing your own child to study in their room, in hopes that they'll figure out what their ability is, taking care of a child?! You only ever saw me when we were eating together! Josephine and José got to go out and experience the world as children!!!"

I bark out, tears run down my face. "I lost my childhood, and my teenage years!!! I'm now twenty seven years old, my adult years haven't been going so well because I'm stuck studying until I figure out my abilities!!"

I finally scream, "I hate you! All of you! All of my life, I've been told to study, and study, only because José's abilities were present when he was only three years old! I always felt unloved! Unworthy, and that's most likely why I don't have them!"

A tear slips out of Father's eye. He sadly averts his stare towards the Window. José grabs the end of my sleeve, I slap his touch away. "I've made my decision,"

Calming down, I take a few deep breaths. My eyes meet Josephine's empty eyes. "Brother, Sister, pretend as if you've never had younger brother. I mean, you've been doing that for years."

I stare into Father's sad eyes. "Father, Mother, pretend you never had me. This is for the best, if I'm gone, I'll no longer feel like I'm unworthy. You can decide if you want to kick me out of the Family, whatever your decision is, I'll be more than happy knowing that I'm no longer in the shadows, that I might be appreciated somewhere else."

My heart broke when my Father's face turned even more gloomy. He stood up very weakly, his arm reached out to me when I made my way towards the door.

Even though my relationship with my Father wasn't bad, he too, had me watching him when he was playing with Josephine and José while I was studying in that sad room for years. It wasn't his intentions, but it still happened and I wanted nothing more, than to be away from them. Even if that meant for eternity.

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