37. Brothers.

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I walked slowly and relaxed towards the Hospital. My mind wandered off to the last thirty minutes, with grandpa. He had given me a few books, the box and declared that I was the right heir. But..

I no longer was a part of the Howell's and Guerrero's. Yet, Grandpa insisted.

How would the others react? Would they force me to take back my word? Would they think that I was not worthy of the box? Would they have Grandpa take it back? Questions ran through my mind, and I had not noticed that Sebastian stood right in front of me, and that I arrived at the Hospital.

My head bumped against his chest, startled, I massaged my forehead and looked up. "..Sorry." I mumbled out, pouting while remembering that I still had a lot to do.

Clear Sebastians reputation.

I groaned out loud, I couldn't have them bothering me because I had people to help, and mysteries to uncover.

Sebastian Held his arm out for me, and I took him, walking side by side towards the entrance of the Hospital. "What's wrong, Buttercup?"

I exhaled exasperated. "Long day.. In short, I inherited a box full of ancient, special, and valuable things. Grandpa said that I was the right heir."

He beamed, excited for me but I did not share the same enthusiasm. "Really? That's wonderful!" He stopped, "But why don't you look happy about it?"

I clicked my tongue just thinking about it!!! He seemed to have caught up on my thoughts but I still told him regardless. "..The box should be given to either Josephine or José, not me, someone who is not a part of the family."

He opens the door leading to where Micheal, José, and Harry were as he voiced confidently and sweetly. "But you are their blood. It doesn't matter that you don't have their name, you are still Joseph Guerrero Howell in blood, and you deserve to be the heir."

Was it wrong to feel like he was right?

I sighed, José should at least know.

The door shut behind us. José was discussing something with Harry but as he noticed that I arrived, he sent him a smile, and stared at me. Micheal stood up, greeting Sebastian by shaking his hands and smiling at him. I smiled at Micheal who returned my greetings. Averting my gaze, I glanced at José. He was still staring at me, as if he knew that I had things to reveal to him, and I did.

I walked over to him sheepishly, like a child about to ask a Parent for permission. "..Hello.. Um," He raised a knitted eyebrow. I cleared my throat, "..Can I speak to you?"

He nodded without a word, I walked out of the room.

I had no place in mind so José lead me to an empty storage room. My mind trailed back to the time where Sebastian and I.. I blushed. This wasn't the time to think about such things, I had a lot to tell José, apologies to make.

I wanted to be close to my Brother, for him to understand that I did not mean for all of this to happen, and to see if he was alright with what Josephine said about him.

I was conflicted, what should I start with? José simply stared at me with an indifferent expression on his face. Was he angry? Was he disappointed? Did he know I inherited the box, was he annoyed?

I fiddled with my coat, looking at my fingernails for some comfort. "..I'm sorry.. About Josephine, and—"

José cut me off, his voice was firm but he wasn't curious when he asked me, "Why are you apologizing? I knew she was like that from the start."

"I know, but.. I always thought you didn't like me because.. Well, I don't know. You simply gave me that feeling, and now I see that I was wrong." I said.

"You weren't mocking me, you were curious about me. Josephine said that I was like a stranger for her, and I wonder, am I stranger to you?" I asked hopefully.

His eyes observed my face, opening his mouth to say something but he refrained from uttering his words, as if it wasn't suitable for this situation. "Joseph.. You never were a stranger, I simply didn't know much about you, therefore we were never close."

I exhaled a breath of relief. José is deep in thoughts, but I have to bring another matter up. "..Grandpa said I was the right heir," I gesture to the bag I was still holding. "I wanted to let you know.. I think.. I didn't want for you to feel the way I've felt this past few years, really, I can give this to you, because I shouldn't—"

"No." He stated.

"No?" Confusion swirled in my mind, was I overreacting thinking that he would be angry, or?

"Yes. No. If Grandfather gave you the box, and wanted to teach you himself, then you are the right Heir." He placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it firmly. "You're an Inspiration, at least to me. I haven't been able to resurrect a person fully, and yet you managed to do in over a night. Now, I won't ask what you did,"

My face heated up, and I bit my lip at his knowing smirk. "But I know that you set your fear aside to help the one you love, so you deserve the box."

I clenched my fists to refrain the tears from swelling up in my eyes. He made an attempt to leave, but I spread my arms and took him in an tight embrace. My arms were around his stomach, I shut my eyes tightly, the tears were about to escape my eyes. "..T-thank you.."

Still in shock, he didn't hug me back. Until I pressed him harder, that's when he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, "Next time.. Don't hug me without letting me know."

"But this time?" I teased.

He sighed disappointed. "..I'll let it pass."

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