Drop of a box?

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Jack was sitting on the window ledge in Ianto's flat waiting for Ianto to pack his bags. Jack and Ianto had been planning to move in with each other for months and today was the day it was finally going to happen. The rain was pouring down and the sky was the darkest shade of grey Jack had ever seen. A rumble of thunder echoed in the air and a flash of lightning shot across the dark sky.

"You need any help Ianto?" Jack called to Ianto getting up from the window ledge.
"I'm okay thanks Jack. Nearly finished." Ianto shouted back from the other room. Jack and Ianto has decided on selling Iantos small flat. It was small and not homely enough for the two of them now they were going to start living together. It was clean and tidy, just the way Ianto liked it, and now that Ianto was emptying all of his things the flat was looking unusually large.

Jack walked into the small bedroom that Ianto was in and started to pick up some of the bags.
"I'll take these to the SUV" said Jack
"Right" said Ianto.

As Jack walked to the SUV Jack had a funny feeling that Ianto didn't want to move in with him. He had been behaving odd all week but today he's just been weird and not himself at all. This is what he wanted wasn't it? Jack put the bags in the back of the SUV and started to walk back to the flat wondering how to bring the subject up to Ianto of how he actually felt about moving in with him.

Ianto was excited. He wanted nothing more than to move in with Jack but for the past week Ianto had been feeling very ill. His stomach was always hurting and he felt as if his brain was going to explode out of his head. He was always dizzy and he had been throwing up nearly every morning and his coffee was defently not up to it's usual standard.

Ianto wasn't sure wether to tell Jack or not. He was sure Jack had noticed something was wrong and it was only a matter of time before Jack would be asking questions. Maybe it was just the stress of moving houses and moving in with Jack. Maybe that's why Jack hasn't said anything. Maybe Jack just thought that he was stressed over selling his flat.

Jack was walking back into the house. He was trying to think up some questions on what to ask Ianto and why he had been acting so weird without insulting him. All of a sudden there was a big bang.
"You okay Ianto?" Jack called into the other room. Jack had thought that Ianto had just dropped a box or something. But Ianto didn't reply.
"Ianto?" said Jack again more desperately. Jack ran into Iantos bedroom to find him collapsed on the bedroom floor.
"Ianto!" Cried Jack. "Ianto can you hear me? Please wake up. It's me Jack. Ianto please you're scaring me."

Ready steady baby? - A Torchwood storyWhere stories live. Discover now