Can I have a word.

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A while later, when Gwen had finally stopped screaming and had calmed down about Rhys proposing to get the Doctor and Donna had arrived back at the hub after there walk around Cardiff having a look around only for when the Doctor to ask how everyone was for Gwen to start screaming with excitement, yet again. The Doctor caught Jack rolling his eyes and mouthed 'sorry' to him which Jack nodded to and for the Doctor to go back to smiling at Gwen who was now jumping up and down.

It was 7:30pm and Ianto was hungry. "Jack you fancy a take away?" Ianto asked
"yeah sure. What do you fancy?"
"Chinese?" Ianto replied. Looking up he noticed everyone else was looking up at him, obviously all wanting some aswell. As much as Ianto wanted to spend some alone time with Jack he thought it would be nice to have everyone around a table for a meal, especially as he collapsed at the last one and sort of ruined the evening. "Okay everyone write down your order and give it to me." Ianto said loudly so everyone could hear and mutter of 'fantastic' and 'chicken noodles' went around the hub.

An hour later they were all sitting around the table eating a Chinese.
"So Jack, Ianto have you thought of any names yet?" Donna asked.
"I haven't actually thought about it. Have you?" Ianto asked Jack.
"How about Donna." Said Donna in a very serious tone that made both Jack and Ianto burst into laughter.
"Err what are you laughing at? I was perfectly serious!" Donna exclaimed.
"We'll think about it Donna. I mean that's if they're girls." Ianto said
"Did you want to find out?" Owen said halfway through a mouthful of noodles.
"No" Ianto and Jack both said at the same time which made them both look at each other and smile.
"I think it should be a surprise." Ianto said
"Me too." Jack agreed.

An hour later they had all finished and the chat was dying out so they got up and started to take their plates and cutlery in to the kitchen and putting the delivery boxes and left over food in the bin.
"Doctor" Jack said quietly so only the Doctor could hear. "Can I have a word" the doctor followed Jack into a quiet area of the hub where no one else could hear them.
" I was thinking about proposing to Ianto. Do you think he would say yes."
"Without even thinking about it." The doctor beamed. "I tell you what let's go out tommorow I'll take you to a different planet and you can buy a ring with the stone of some far away star or something." The doctor suggested.
"That would be great. Thank you doctor." Jack said happily.

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