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Later on that evening they were all sitting around a table in a restaurant chatting away happily and laughing.
"Jack?" Said Gwen. "You're not going to leave us are you. I mean you're not going to go traveling with the Doctor and we will never see you again will you?" Gwen said sadly.
"Of course not. I've got to much here to just leave. I have you, and Owen and tosh and of course Ianto and our lovely little baby and a home. I belong here Gwen with all of you so don't think for one second that I'm going to leave all of you okay." Jack stopped talking to realise that everyone was dead quiet and had been listening to his conversation with Gwen. He looked over at Ianto who had tears in his eyes and smiled at Jack who smiled back.

All of a sudden Iantos smile faded as he felt a sharp pain shoot up from his stomach to the top of his head making him close his eyes so tightly and scream out in pain. Everyone jumped up not knowing what to and stood staring at Ianto when he fell into jacks arms.

Jack noticed that Ianto was very pale and cold. "It's the baby, it's drinking Iantos blood again. Owen have we got any blood with us?"
"It's in the SUV" said Owen the same time as running out of the restaurant to get some blood out of the SUV. By this point restaurant staff had gathered around Ianto to see what was going on and a couple of times people had attempted to call an ambulance but thanks to the Doctor who blocked the lines no one would be able to get through. It wouldn't go down well if Ianto ended up in hospital and they had to explain that he collapsed because the baby inside of him was drinking his blood.

2 minutes later Owen had returned with the blood and The Doctor, Donna and the rest of the Torchwood team had cleared the area around Ianto so no one could see them inject Ianto with 5 pints of blood.

A while later ianto woke up in the medical bay and found himself being observed by Owen and Jack sitting by the side of him gently sleeping. "Oi oi Harkness he's awake." Said Owen shaking Jack awake.
"Hmm" groaned Jack "how you feeling?" Jack asked once he woke up a bit.
"Not bad. How's the baby?" Said Ianto looking up to Owen who avoided Iantos eyes and looked directly at Jack.
"What?" Said Ianto sensing something was wrong. "What is it? What's wrong with my baby?" Ianto said, fear present in his voice.

Ready steady baby? - A Torchwood storyWhere stories live. Discover now