I love you, all of you

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"Right time to make history" Owen exclaimed, his voice a mixture between excitement and fear.
"You do know how to do this don't you Owen?" Ianto questioned
"Uh well yeah, I mean I'm sure it can't be any different to a female C section, right?" Owen replied, his voice losing confidence with each word. Ianto's eyes opened wider and glared at Owen
"Just do it"


"They're beautiful aren't they" Jack said softly. Jack had joined Ianto, sitting next to him on the medical bed. There wasn't much room but they squished up together, each holding a baby, their babies. Their sons.

"Perfect" Ianto replied, smiling softly at the little boy cradled in his arms. He turned his head to look up at Jack, noticing Jack already looking down at him. Neither of them physically smiled at each other, nothing more than a slight twitch at the side of their mouths anyway, but through looking into each others eyes they knew the love and happiness they each was feeling was more than any smile could portray.

"You know I was thinking, we can't exactly bring two babies up in the hub... so I got us a house" Jack said

"A...um. What? I thought you wanted to stay here. You always say how this is your house"

"This was my house. But I want a home. I want a life with you and the kids outside of torchwood, I want to play games on the floor of the living room and play football in the garden. I want a life with them, with you"

"Jack, I... I couldn't ask for more, that sounds just beautiful. I love you" jack smiled back in a way that told Ianto he loved him back.

"I know you haven't seen it but I'm sure you'll love it, it's close from here, 5 minutes maybe, 4 bedrooms, a garden, fully stoc-"

"Jack I'll love it, no matter where it is or what it looks like. As long as you and the kids are there anywhere is home" Ianto interrupted.

They looked at each other for a while, deep in thought. Jack placed his hand on Iantos cheek, caressing it gently with his thumb. They shared a kiss for a few moments, deep and passionate but the movement woke up one of the babies who started crying.

Ianto rocked him quietly, he looked down at the tiny baby in his arms still finding it hard to believe that the baby he held in his arms was his. His and Jacks.

A few moments later the rest of the gang came down to see how they were all doing, Gwen holding some bottles of milk ready for the babies.

"So... have you got names yet then!?" Gwen questioned. Jack and Ianto looked at each other and smiled before Jack answered

"Yeah this is Luke" Jack said indicating to the one he was holding "and that's Tom"

"Aww guys, they're perfect"

"Yeah...yeah they are" Jack said, turning round to look at he Ianto he carried on "I love you. All of you" he said gesturing towards the babies and the rest of the torchwood gang.

"We love you too Jack" Tosh said, smiling at him softly.

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