What happened?

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Ianto laid there for a moment still, he scanned the room with his eyes noticing Gwen and Tosh looking over at him, a concerned look on each of their faces.
"Ianto?" Gwen questioned, "Are you okay?"
"Umm, I think so?" Ianto said quietly, as if he wasn't sure what the right answer was. He sat up slowly and noticed Jack and Owen still unconscious across the room.
"What happened?" Ianto questioned, whilst attempting to get off the bed.
"Well we're not entirely sure" Tosh said "Jack found you unconscious in the bunker, we brought you up here and Owen tried everything but couldn't get you to wake up. You were sort of glowing, a blue colour, and it was as if electric was coming off of you. That was when Jack realised that the alien pregnancy device must have had something to do with it. He went and got it I'm not sure what he did, Gwen and I wasn't here, but we heard a massive bang and when we came running in the blue glow around you was fading and Jack and Owen had been flung across the room, we tried to wake them up but that was when you opened your eyes." She explained.
"What do you remember?" Gwen asked
"Um i cant remember much" Ianto sat for a moment, trying to get his head around everything Tosh had just told him. "I was in the Bunker, I had just woken up but I was in pain, a lot of it. I tried to call out but nobody came and then I must have passed out. Did you say I was glowing with blue electricity?" Ianto asked
"That's what it looked like, yes" Tosh answered.
"I read about that" Ianto said. "When I file the items I gather as much information as possible as I can on them, well I try to anyway. I remember it saying something about the pregnant person glowing near the end of the pregnancy, it..."
"Ugh" moaned Owen as he was coming around, cutting Ianto off
"Owen! Are you okay?" Gwen ran over and bent down next to him
"I'm fine" Owen grumbled "Hows coffee boy? Sitting up I see" he said in his usual grumpy tone
"He seems okay" Tosh said happily. Moments later similar grumbles came from Jack who was also waking up. Ianto shuffled off the table and waddled over to Jack, he knew if he bent down next to him he probably wouldn't be able to get up again but he just wanted to be next to Jack right now and he was sure the four others would be able to drag him up somehow, so he lowered himself slowly to the floor so he was next to Jack. Ianto stroked back Jacks hair which was partly covering his eyes and smiled, he loved Jack, he really truly did.
"Hey" Ianto whispered softly and Jacks eyes fluttered open.
"Ianto!" Jack said excitedly, Jack was beaming and hugged Ianto tightly. Ianto pulled away from the hug to see Jacks face, a huge smile still plastered over it and then lent in to kiss him. Jack returned the kiss and the two of them sat there, kissing in each others embrace. Which to the others all standing awkwardly in the room felt like a life time. The kiss was then stopped by the alarm sounding,
"Right that's it you two you've had your fun, come on we've got work to do" Owen grumbled. Jack leapt off the floor and they all ran out to the main hub to look at the computers
"Weevils" Jack said simply
"Right usual formations guys, lets go in, get it and go" Ianto heard Jack say, Jacks voice getting quieter as he was getting further away until the door alarm sounded.
'Has anybody stayed?' Ianto wondered
"Um guys?" He called out "I'm still on the floor, I cant get up" Ianto shouted, sounding very fed up
'Right then, I'll just sit here 'till you all get back then shall I?'

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