You never did tell me

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"Well?" Jack urged
"You never did tell me." Ianto said slowly.
"Tell you what?" Jack exclaimed getting quite annoyed at how long Ianto was taking to try and ask him whatever he wanted to ask.
"Well you said that you had figured it out more or less."
"Figured what out?" Still clearly confused at what Ianto was trying to get at.
"Why I'm pregnant" Ianto said. "Did you figure it out? do you know why I'm pregnant?" Jack sighed he knew this was coming at some point. He still felt to blame if one of them was going to get pregnant and go through all of this it should have been him. Iantos had to go through the babies drinking all of Iantos blood, collapsing and very weird cravings and the emotional and physical strain it's putting on his body. Jack never wanted that for Ianto. For Ianto to be in so much pain. He sat there thinking for a while longer until
"Jack?" Ianto said knocking Jack out of his daydream.
"Do you remember that night Ianto, when we had that devise and it shocked you? Then it shocked me to? Then later that night we... You know... Had sex..."
"Yeah I remember" Said Ianto.
"It's because of that." Jack said "it contains some kind of, well I'm not entirely sure what it contain, but when it shocked you it went into your body. It then shocked me too and entered my body. That night when we then had sex the stuff that had entered our body was still active and hadn't yet died out. While it was still in out body it allowed the person who was shocked first to be pregnant and whoever was shocked second to enable the first to get pregnant. Whoever it is who gets shocked can then have a baby no matter who they are. Be it two men, two women, a man and a women even a cyber man and a Dalek! If two people are shocked and then have sex before whatever it is that enters your body dies then you're guaranteed to get pregnant. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier Ianto. I'm still trying to actually figure out what entered our body and if I knew before that this was going to happen after we were shocked and before we had sex then I would have warned you but I didn't and I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry Jack. You, our babies, that devise, torchwood! They're the best things that has ever happened to me and it's all because of you and for that I thankyou. I love you."
"I love you Jones, Ianto Jones."

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