I dont believe it!

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Iantos heart was beating fast against his chest, he put one hand over his stomach as if to reassure the baby while the other hand was gripping the gun ready to shoot at the intruders. But the voices sounded some what familiar, Ianto squinted his eyes to try and focus more on what they were saying.

"What do you mean 'it needs charging'" a woman said in a sarcastic voice
"It just does okay." Said a man who sounded quite fed up that this woman kept on going on about charging something.
"But why the hell does it need charging and where are we going? Look at this place what is this?" The woman said impatiently
"Torchwood" replied the man simply.

The lift had reached the bottom of the platform and the man and woman both stepped off. Ianto who was still at the other end of the room (who had not been noticed by the two people) was still watching them intently, gun raised. And then he lowered it, stared at them a bit more and then uttered "I don't believe it!"

The man must have heard this as as soon as Ianto had said that he spun around and smiled at Ianto with a huge grin. "Aha you must be Ianto Jones yes?"
"Um yes hello" Ianto stuttered still in shock that this man was standing infront of him. Where the hell was Jack?


"Owen, Tosh you go that way see if anything is up that end of the road. Gwen with me we're going this way." Jack ordered.
"What exactly are we looking for Jack. I mean our devise is showing no alien life form." Said Gwen looking down at the little screen infront of her.
"I don't know but be careful." Said Jack. "Right I'll go first, you come after." Jack told Gwen as they leant against the side of the water tower about to go round the corner.
"3, 2, 1 go" Jack muttered to himself as he went round the corner with his gun in front of him however stopped dead in his tracks  when he saw what was in front of him. "Bloody hell!" He said under his breath still staring at the object in front of him. "Guys back to the hub immediately we need to get that cctv working. NOW!" Jack ordered into his coms for everyone to hear.
"Jack is that the-" Gwen started to say shocked before Jack cut her off
"Yes." He replied "and we need to find him now."

A/N Hi everyone thankyou all for reading so far! I'm planning to carry on with this story and have a good story line coming up (hopefully) and hope that you all carry on and read it! Please comment and vote and any ideas or improvements are welcome. Thankyou, Mia :) xx

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