Alarm bells

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Alarm bells were ringing around the once green planet
"What the hell is going on?" Jack shouted.
"No idea. Let's go and find out shall we? Come on! allons-y!" The Doctor said excitedly and ran past Jack and Donna to get outside on to the planet with Jack and Donna close behind.

They had ran about 10 metres when then alarms had stopped, the planet was no longer red and had turned back to its original beautiful green colour.
"Wonder what all of that was about?" Said Jack.
"It's just protocol. Everyday for 10 minutes we set the alarms of at random times for practise." Said a unknown voice coming from behind them. "You're not from around here. Who are you?" Said the voice.
"I'm the Doctor, this is Jack-"
"And I'm Donna" Donna finished "now who the hell are you and where are you I don't fancy talking to thin air thank you very much"
"We are the Stark's we have lived here for many years my name is Chris. What are you here for?"
"Fun!" Said the Doctor "love new places and looking around!"
"Oooh look people. Ahh this is amazing." Said an unknown voice "why didn't you call me Chris!" Said the voice noticing that Chris the Stark was already there. Then all of a sudden a small round sparkly green thing with arms and legs came running out towards The Doctor, Jack and Donna.
"Hi! I'm Scott, and this is my friend Grimmy!" He said pointing to another round green Stark running towards them. "We're very pleased to see you!" Said Scott happily "come on Chris. Come and say hello. He's very shy with new people you see, once someone came here when he was just a baby and accidentally stood on his brother. Ever since then he's been terrified someone will stand on him." Scott explained.
"It's fine. We're not going to stand on you." Shouted Donna. And with that Chris slowly made his way out from where he was hiding and faced the rest of them. He was the youngest out of the three and was a bit smaller but not by much.

The Doctor, Jack and Donna spent around 7 hours talking to Scott, Chris, Grimmy and some other Stark's and had an absolutely fantastic time. Scott also had helped Jack choose a perfect diamond for Ianto and Jack also ended up helping Scott pick a lovely diamond to produce to his boyfriend Brad.

A while later they had agreed to leave and go back home and promised to Scott, Chris and Grimmy that they will come back and they could come to the wedding.
"Hope he says yes." Said Scott to Jack.
"You too." Replied Jack as he entered the TARDIS.
"Love you bye!" Shouted Scott
"Love you bye!" Shouted all three of them back and then Jack closed the doors and left to get back to the torchwood tower.

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