Owen to the rescue.

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Jack didn't know what to do. He couldn't loose Ianto. He loved him. He picked up his phone and dialled Owens number, it rang for a while before Owen answered.
"This better be important Harkness it's my day off." Owen grunted.
"It is Owen! You've got to come round to Ianto's flat. I don't know what's happened to him his just collapsed and his barely breathing and his all hot and I don't know what to do. Owen you've got to help him! I can't loose him. I can't!"
"Okay Jack I'll be as quick as I can. Listen to me you've got to stay calm. If he wakes up and you're all crazy it's not going to do him any good. I'll be ten minutes okay, get a cold flannel and put it on his to try and cool him down. I won't be long" And with that Owen hung up and Jack was left alone.

15 minutes later Owen still hadn't arrived and Jack was getting panicky. Ianto's breathing was getting worse and he was becoming increasingly hot.
"JACK? WHERE ARE YOU?" Owen bellowed while entering flat. Jack had left the door slightly open so Owen could come in without Jack having to leave Ianto.
"We're in the bedroom. Where the hell have you been? So much for a fast rescue!" Shouted Jack annoyed.

Two seconds later Owen came bursting in the bedroom and went instantly to Ianto. Owen checked Iantos pupils and pulse and airways.
"Well?" Said Jack looking at Owens confused face.
"I dont know how this happened Jack. I'm going to try and wake him up but we're going to have to get back to the hub to check him over and run some tests" said Owen calmly.
"Oh right" Jack replied in a shaky voice. It must be serious if Owen is actually paying attention to Ianto and wants to spend his day off checking him over thought Jack.
Owen produced a large needle out of his medical kit and started studying it, he did a little squirt to get the air out then stuck it into Iantos arm.
"Ianto?" Said Jack curiously to see if he was waking up. "Ianto. It's me Jack."

Suddenly Ianto bolted upwards and was sitting up dead straight. His breathing was fast and was looking straight at Jack.
"What happened?" Asked Ianto quite clearly out of breath.
"Dunno yet coffee boy. That's what we're gonna find out back at the hub. Come on get up, this is my day off I don't want to spend it waiting after you." Owen said impatiently as he picked up his medical kit and made his way out to his car leaving Jack and Ianto on their own.

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