What's that?

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Jack walked towards Ianto and knelt down beside him. "I'm sorry, I did this to you. But I promise Ianto I will never let you down or this baby down. We can be a family, a proper family." Jack whispered to Ianto while stroking his hair out of his face.
Jack pulled out a large needle filled with a dark red liquid and held it In Front of him towards the light studying it. "I hope this works." Jack sighed.
"What is it?" Said Owen. But Jack didn't reply. Instead he gave it a little squirt and forcefully stuck it into Iantos neck. "What the- what what did you just do. What was it?" Owen stuttered.
"It was blood. My blood." Jack said not looking at Owen instead looking at Ianto deep in thought and concentration. "I needed a lot of it. That's why tosh couldn't pick me up on cctv I was down in my private bunker but where I needed so much blood I died so you couldn't see me on life forms either as I was dead." Jack said a little louder.
"But why blood. Why does he need your blood? And why that much you must have given him what 5 pints? More?" Owen questioned.
"Because he's going to loose all of his blood soon. You were close it was 6 pints. When he looses his blood mine should stay and it should be just enough to keep him alive until I can give him some more."
"What are you talking about? This is ridiculous Jack. You'll kill him! His body can't hold his blood and 6 pints of yours and a baby it's not designed for that he will die! And what about-" Owen stopped suddenly as he felt something grip on to his arm tightly. He looked to the side of him to find Ianto sitting bolt upright. His eyes were back to his normal colour and no longer the deep shade of dark red and he was no longer pale instead he was looking quite red but Owen thought that must be because of the extraordinary amount of blood that Jack had just injected into his body.
"Shh shh you're okay. You're safe" Jack said reassuringly to Ianto. "It's all going to be okay." He said before letting Ianto fall into his arms as they sat there cuddling.

Ready steady baby? - A Torchwood storyWhere stories live. Discover now