Tell me Jack!

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"Jack?!" Ianto shouted after Jack who had just ran out of the medical bay. "Jack where are you going?" Ianto sighed and heaved himself off of the medical table to go after Jack.
"Wait a minute coffee boy I'm not finished!" Owen said roughly.
"well you are now. Look Owen I'm pregnant. I'm also a man. I'm a pregnant man! I need to get my head around this first before you start using me as your human guinea pig. Okay!?" And with that Ianto got up and left the medical bay to go and find Jack.

"Hey tosh did you see where Jack went by any chance?" Ianto asked.
"Yeah he went that way." Tosh said pointing towards Jacks office. "He looked quite shaken up. Is he okay? Are you okay? I came in 5 minutes ago and you were laying there and Owen was-"
"Yeah thanks Tosh, tell you later!"
"Oh. Err okay." Tosh replied as she watched Ianto run in the direction of Jacks office.
"Jack?" Ianto said knocking on the door. "Jack please open the door I need to talk to you. We need to talk!"

"Did you figure it out? Do you know why I'm pregnant? Do you? Jack?"

"OPEN THIS BLOODY DOOR AND TALK TO ME JACK!" Ianto shouted finally getting angry with Jack and banging on the door to Jacks office. A moment later Jack opened the door and Ianto entered.

"I thought of something" Jack mumbled. "But we have to see if I'm right first."
"What? What did you think of?" Ianto asked suddenly. But then Jack just ran out of room.
"JACK!!" Ianto shouted after him before running after Jack.

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