It's not safe.

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Ianto sat in jacks bunker for a while thinking about everything Jack had said to him minutes before. Would he really be like Jack? Would he really be unable to die? And why would the baby inside of him want to drink all of his blood? Why the hell is he pregnant in the first place? He's a man for crying out loud. He wanted answers. A hot flush came over him and Ianto jumped up quickly (a bit too quickly) and headed for the stairs to go and ask Jack about why he was pregnant. Jack had said before that he thinks he knows why so why the hell wasn't he telling him?

Just as Ianto reached the top of the ladder and had appeared in Jacks office the alarm went of revealing that the rift was active. 'Probably another weevil' thought Ianto. However the shouting below  made Ianto think otherwise. They were all shouting and Jack was firing off instructions of who to go where and what to do, yet no one had mentioned his name or came to get him. Had he just been forgotten?

Ianto made his way down to where everyone else was yet no one even noticed his presence. "Jack what's going on?" Ianto asked yet Jack just looked at him and carried on what he was doing. "Jack!"
"You can't come Ianto. I'm sorry but I said I'd protect you and that's what I'm doing, you can't risk being hurt with our baby inside of you. It's not safe" Jack said
Jack looked at him with a sad expression and was about to say something before Owen interrupted.
"Harkness come on move stop talking to tea boy if you've forgotten already the rift is acting up and the CCTV isn't working we have no idea what we are dealing with and we need to go now! I'm sorry Ianto but you'll just have to stay here." Owen said in a hurry.
"Sorry." Jack mumbled and with that they all left the hub leaving Ianto on his own yet again.

Ianto sighed and was about to go into the kitchen to make a drink and something to eat when a very loud rumbling noise came from above and the sound of distant chattering was heard which was just loud enough for Ianto to know that it wasn't anyone from the team however he couldn't hear what they were saying. Ianto looked above to see two people coming down to his level on the invisible lift, he reached for a gun that was on Gwen's desk and cocked it as he watched the two people come further down to the ground.

Ready steady baby? - A Torchwood storyWhere stories live. Discover now