How's it work?

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Everyone watched as Jack ran out the medical bay not really knowing where he was going,
"Jack?" Gwen shouted after him and got up to start running after him wondering where he was going. Jack noticing he was being followed turned round excitedly
"Ive got it Gwen" he exclaimed
"Got what?" She questioned back, she really did have no idea what Jack was on about.
"The alien device, that caused Ianto to get pregnant, it shocked us, both of us the night he got pregnant, and when I touched Ianto earlier the shock i got from the blue glow that's surrounding him it felt the same, its got to be linked to that device, I don't know how yet, but I'm sure that it is and ill figure it out" Jack blurted out. Gwen nodded along, she thought it made sense but Jack spoke so fast she wasn't sure she heard everything. Jack ran on to go find the device and Gwen returned to the main hub, satisfied Jack wasn't running off in a panic like last time.

Jack came back a short time later with the device in hand,
"Owen!?" Jack yelled out as he made his way down the medical bay "its this, this has to have something to do with it I'm sure" Jack mentioned. Owen took the device off of Jack and observed it. It was a metal cylinder shape with what looked like a glass circle at both ends, as far as he could tell there were no buttons or anything and he had no idea how it would work. He waved it around to try and get it to do something yet it remained how it was. However, the electrical noise coming off of Ianto was getting stronger and Jack determined it must be because the device was in closer distance.
"Put it next to him" Jack said "I think Ianto is reacting to it" Owen placed the device in Ianto's hand, at first nothing appeared to happen but then Ianto appeared to glow brighter and brighter and in the end no one could see Ianto. A bright blue light was developing in a dome shape completely covering Ianto getting bigger and brighter every second until it seemed to explode.

Jack and Owen were flung to the other end of the medical bay and were knocked out instantly, Tosh and Gwen ran over to see what was happening and noticed Ianto still glowing with this light, they shielded there eyes, Tosh going over to Owen and Gwen to Jack to see if they were okay. Jack and Owen didn't wake up but they were still alive. They looked over at Ianto, who although still glowing was not glowing as bright, until the glow surrounding him completely went.
"Ianto?" Gwen asked softly "can you hear me?"

Seconds went by that felt like minutes, Gwen and Tosh watching Ianto intensely and then, as quick as a bullet,  Ianto's eyes opened wide.

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