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Jack looked over at the Doctor worryingly, something else had gone wrong, and yet again he was not there. 'Why does everything keep going wrong?' He wondered. He felt his breathing getting faster again, he was starting to panic.
"Come on Jack, we should go in. It'll be okay, whatever it is, it'll be okay" The Doctor said. Jack got up shakily and followed the Doctor back in to the Hub, Donna holding his arm keeping him steady.

"What is it? What's happening?" The Doctor said as he caught sight of Owen.
"I couldn't tell you" replied Owen "It's weird"
The Doctor, followed by Jack walked over to the medical bay where Ianto was, Owen ran over to join them. They could see what Owen meant, Ianto was glowing...
A bright blue light was coming from all over Ianto's body, a sound, similar to electric, was coming from him too. They all stood around the bed looking puzzled.
"What is it?" Tosh asked
"Well if we knew that Tosh we wouldn't be standing around doing nothing would we, we'd be fixing it" Owen replied sarcastically. Jack went to touch Ianto when Owen stopped him
"I wouldn't do that Jack, you don't know what it is, it could happen to you too" but Jack ignored him and went to touch Ianto's cheek but pulled away suddenly
"What is it?" Owen asked
"Electric" Jack replied "it gave me a sort of electric shock" 'where have i felt that before?' Though Jack 'it definitely felt familiar'

The gang decided that they couldn't do anything for Ianto and left Owen in the medial bay with him to try and figure out what it was that was causing Ianto to glow with electricity. Jack stayed sitting by his side, not wanting to leave him again. He couldn't get the feeling of familiarisation out of his head, he was sure that he had felt a shock like that before, it was different to a normal electric shock, he couldn't explain how but he just knew it was different. A few hours later and Owen still wasn't sure what was causing it, he carried on monitoring Ianto but was slowly giving up on trying to find out what was causing it and instead was hoping that it would go as suddenly as it came. Jack however, was sure that the answer to fixing Ianto's electricity problem laid within figuring out why it felt familiar, and then it dawned on him, 'how did i not think of it earlier'  he got up and ran out the room leaving Owen looking clueless.

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