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Jack, Owen, Gwen and Tosh came running in to the hub. "What is it? What did you see Jack?" Tosh asked Jack as they ran into the hub only for Jack to stop dead in his tracks meaning Owen Gwen and tosh all bumped into him. Jack was staring at the tall skinny man and ginger haired woman at the other end of the hub talking happily to Ianto. "Doctor?" Jack said quietly.

"Oh is it good to see you Jack!" Said the doctor opening his arms which Jack ran in to.
"What are you doing here?" Jack asked his face glowing with happiness.
"Needed to charge the TARDIS up a bit and thought we might pop in and say hello. By the way this is Donna Noble. And you should probably give her a hug too." Said The Doctor.
"Wouldn't turn that one down." Replied Jack, turning around to give Donna a hug and a kiss which she happily went along with.

Although Ianto knew that Jack wouldn't do anything and would always come back to him at night, Ianto didn't like the prospect of Jack flirting and kissing other people and leading them on however after talking to Donna and the doctor for a bit while the rest of the team was out. Ianto found that he quite liked Donna and the fact that she knew that he and Jack were together was probably why she didn't jump on him and first sight like people usually do when they first see Jack and then every time after that.

"Nice to meet you Donna Noble." Said Jack releasing his grip on Donna and finishing the hug. "I'd like you both to meet: Owen, tosh and Gwen" pointing at them in order of speech "and i see you've already met the devilish handsome loveliest man in the universe Mr Ianto Jones my lovely partner." Said Jack concluding his introductions while Ianto when an alarming shade of red.

Owen, Gwen and Tosh all couldn't believe that The Doctor, the man Jack was always talking about, had actually arrived it was incredible. But then a thought appeared in all of their heads. What if Jack left them for The Doctor?

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