A distant planet

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"Doctor there is absolutely no way am I going to raxacoricofallapatorius for a ring that is ridiculous!"
" what's raxastupidname?" Donna questioned.
"It's the planet of the Slitheen. according to the Doctor here they have some great stones but there is no way I'm going to raxacoricofallapatorius. Can't we go to a nice planet. You know planet of emeralds or something? Ianto likes green"
"I'm with him on this one planet of emeralds that sounds amazing."
"You actually think there is a planet of emeralds?" The doctor said amazed.
"Well there's a planet of diamonds!" Jack argued
"And there is no way I'm going back there." The Doctor said straight away "I know!" The Doctor shouted. "There's the Jade planet! Full of lovely green emeralds!"
"Perfect." Jack and Donna said at the same time.
"Do you think I should tell someone I'm going or anything I mean what if something happens and I'm not there and nor are you or Donna they'll think I've ran off with you again?" Jack said anxiously.
"Look don't worry about it Jack I can get us back at this very precise moment. No one will know you are missing." The Doctor said reassuringly.

So with that the three of them all got into the TARDIS to head off to the Jade Planet.
"Right allons-y" the Doctor shouted as he landed the TARDIS "go on Jack open the doors" the Doctor said however Donna came running past and opened the doors for them.
"Oh my gosh it's beautiful!" Donna exclaimed.
"It's stunning." Jack agreed. Jack moved past Donna who was still standing in the doorway of the TARDIS and stepped out into the beautiful shining green land however as he stepped his first foot on to the green emerald floor red lights flashed and alarm bells filled the air...

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